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Topics - shmax

Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 12/22/2015
December 22, 2015, 10:36:32 PM
- fixed issue with mold breadcrumb paths sometimes missing from the "Shared Mold" section of part details pages (reported by Engledogg)
- fixed "Jump to" functionality of pagination UI (reported by Spliffdizzle)
- fixed missing "bat signal" on mobile version of site (reported by Engledogg)
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 12/5/2015
December 05, 2015, 12:48:43 PM
Today's update is huge, but easy to explain: look at the site on your smart phone.

Please report any bugs or issues you notice so we can get 'em fixed, and enjoy!

Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 11/30/2015
November 30, 2015, 01:00:26 AM
- fixed issue where changes typed directly into the calendar pickers in the collection UI weren't persisting (thanks to Engledogg for reporting).
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 11/16/2015
November 16, 2015, 08:49:01 AM
Tripredacus reported that some international toys had long, nonsensical gibberish describing their release information. That was my attempt at "natural language" generation, and obviously it needed a little work, so my solution was to nuke it. I'm now using the more terse version that I use elsewhere.
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 11/13/2015
November 13, 2015, 02:12:33 PM
- fixed broken download collection functionality
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 10/24/2015
October 24, 2015, 03:41:47 PM
Signature page fixes:

- fixed width of color picker inputs
- fixed issue where the wrong img id was getting saved when making changes
- refreshing image after making a change so that the displayed sig and the images in the background picker stay in sync
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 10/18/2015
October 18, 2015, 11:04:24 AM
Bug fixes:
- can once again search for multiple words in your collection page (reported by Engledogg)
- fixed styling of part lists in collection page (Ed again)

- fixed styling of search form in sku picker
- straightened out some bad markup for collected item details view--the condition labels were being rendered as links
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 10/12/2015
October 12, 2015, 11:03:09 PM
Fixed various CSS issues introduced with my last update:
- the associated part gallery on part details pages (reported by Engledogg)
- the shaded small part box gradient on part details pages and elsewhere
- this and that

- restored the missing instant delete link for freshly uploaded photos
- now hiding the "Modify <part name>" links on the part details pages for guest users (that's been broken for months)
- brought back the "Custom" rejection option for photo review. Ed knows what I'm talking about.

That's all the bugs I know of. If you guys have anything to report, please do it soon before I start the next big project.
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 10/11/2015
October 11, 2015, 03:18:47 PM
Overhauled CSS:
- now using SASS for everything
- wrote a SASS mixin for generating cross-browser linear gradients (using SVG). IE9 users should now see all the same gradients the rest of us do.
- divided CSS file up into smaller files, and am now only including specific CSS on the pages that require it. This has reduced the filesize of downloaded CSS on the home page by about 25%.
- restored font behavior on forum pages (with thanks to Tripredacus and PhantomDustclops for reporting the issue)
- removed the pointless "News" heading on the forum pages (Trip again)
- did some minor styling changes; orange is now the primary site link color, with green being secondary. Trees and breadcrumbs are a dark grey

Issues with submission moderation:
- when getting a validation after submitting a submission review, the form now properly re-initializes with review widgetry
- rejecting photos now sends the proper events to the imagepickers
Photo of the Day / Photo of the Day/Year 10/09/2015
October 09, 2015, 12:04:25 PM
Well, it took them more than 30 years, but R.O.B. finally got involved in another game! Thanks much, Spliffdizzle.
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 10/02/2015
October 02, 2015, 10:13:59 PM
Haven't done one of these in a while! Recently, I've rolled out a major refactor of all the front end code in I won't bore you with the details unless someone's interested, but it involved rewriting every single piece of front end code on the site (over 97 javascript files). You may have noticed some subtle changes here and there, but core functionality (hopefully) wasn't changed.

Every time I do something like this I inevitably break a few things, and the past few days have been spent on fixes. Most recently:

- fixed issues with uploading photos
- fixed issues with submission review
- restored caching of javascript assets
- fixed submission notification email
- fixed mold picker
- fixed (m) symbols on photos (moderators only)
- fixed photo credit widget
- fixed cookie storage for profile sort/view settings

Thanks to the mods and users for reporting these, most notably Engledogg, SoS, Spliffdizzle, and various other folks.
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 04/28/2015
April 28, 2015, 07:19:57 PM
- fixed issue where the main photo on the product details page would sometimes have weird dimensions (this had been reported before, but wasn't able to pin it down until just now; thanks to Engledogg for repro'ing assistance)
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 4/27/2015
April 27, 2015, 10:17:55 PM
I took a stab at doing a simple autocomplete feature for the main site search. Type a few words up there and you'll get the idea. There are a lot of ways to make this more complex (eg. adding part and toyline results, adding a "see all results" link, and so on) but I thought I'd see what you guys think of this much, to start. Let me know!
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 04/20/2015
April 20, 2015, 09:18:50 AM
- fixed issue where clicking on toyline nodes while on the "Statistics" tab of the profile page wasn't retrieving fresh data (reported by Engledogg)
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 04/16/2015
April 16, 2015, 10:43:48 PM
- updated the copy on the home page a bit to reflect developments that happened long ago (such as expanding to toylines other than Transformers)
- fixed the "parts" link in the same copy (it had been pointing to the products page for years; why doesn't somebody TELL me these things?!)
- added links to same copy for forms, toylines, and countries
- fixed issue where one could crash the search results page by using a forward slash in the search string (reported by SoS/Engledogg)
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 01/07/2015
January 07, 2015, 07:46:11 PM
Due to an unforeseen screw-up of my own design, I had to restore data from last night's backup. Anything that happened on this site since midnight has been wiped away, but the good news is that the bug has been fixed, and I've learned an important lesson about screwing-up, and will never do it again. Thanks to Engledogg for catching the problem and reporting it.
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 01/03/2015
January 03, 2015, 02:04:16 AM
- fixed issue where the sort separators between items would repeat at the pagination boundaries when browsing collection  on profile page (reported by Engledogg)
- added "Price Paid" and "Current Value" to the sorts on the profile collection tab
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 12/30/2014
December 30, 2014, 12:43:06 AM
- added "Added to Collection" sort to collection tab of profile page
- fixed issue where lightbox would fritz out on photos tab of profile page when infinite scroll kicks in (reported by Engledogg)
- added various sorts to photos tab, and fixed subject name sort on photos page
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 12/17/2014
December 17, 2014, 01:00:20 AM
- made cookies long-lived, so that a user's preferred view and sort on the profile page persists between sessions (thanks to TriClops and Engledogg)
- fixed a minor css issue with the "edit" and "delete" links in the "details" view of the profile page
Feature Requests/Announcements / Update 12/11/2014
December 11, 2014, 09:48:41 PM
Profile page fixes:
- widened the edit form a bit, so that the part checklists don't scrunch up
- changed the namespace so that search keywords entered on the collection page don't get mixed up with the search input at the top of the page
- fixed photos tab so that it doesn't continually load when you try to scroll