This listing should be reserved for the original Cubex release. I think a new manufacturer should be created as BadCube for the new version, as there is no similarity between releases. The release number is the same (OTS-01 Huff), but the box and everything else about it is different from the original.
What if we renamed the existing record as (Cubex release) and then add a second entry as (BadCube release)?
Whatever you think is good. I just thought the name should be split because they're 2 "different" companies.
They aren't the same company with a different name?
I sent them a Facebook message and an email asking for some back story. Hopefully they'll write back so we can understand how to handle this.
I created a new listing and called it Huff (BadCube Version). I also submitted a rename of the old one as Huff (Cubex Version).
Approved. Did you hear back from them? I'm kinda curious to hear their response.
I did not. I didn't really expect to though. Maybe I'll bump it once and see what happens.
I actually got a response from them, but it's less detailed than I had hoped.
"Badcube is a separate company from Cubex, while we created the older design for Huff, we did not produce it. Long story short, we have grown into a larger company; and only couple of us participated in the older design. Perhaps you could put them on a side by side page for comparison."
That's a detailed enough explanation for our purposes. I'll split them into separate categories.