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Messages - deadonarrival

General Transformers Discussion / Re: Hello
July 16, 2012, 04:16:20 AM

I am from Australia and look forward to helping out with what I can round here.

Australia, eh? We definitely have a lot of work to do in that area. We need photos, and release dates, and photos, and prices, and photos, and data entry, and let's see--oh yeah, some photos! Say, that reminds me, do you own a camera?

I agree with prices, photos and release dates. As for data entry, there's not much need for it since (as far as I know) the bulk of Australia TFs are just the US stuff with some Asian or Japan figs here and there.


Generally with us all we get is what the US gets minus a few they dont think will sell enough so its all pretty much US packaging and toys. Takara Tomy dont really release here but Specialist stores will direct order and they will ship here so Its pretty select what we get. SO looks like im gonna do alot of online buying for some stuff ;)

Yes Shmax I do own a camera, yes I will be shutter bugging BUT you will have to wait as I will be getting a proper light box from my friend :P although I may just build a cheapy til I get it.

Also gonna get as accurate as possible with all info I give but prices may be a little off as this is a rough estimate off of the USA prices using somebody elses price markup matrix. Oh and I found a list of all early releases for Aus so im going to add ALOT over the next few weeks.

-----edited section------

So from what I am reading up on to add to the Australian release side of things, what I had before is pretty much incorrect as someone had not done enough research and had inaccurate info.

What we had released here in Australia

1984 - 1990: was just the USA releases minus a few
1991: USA and European Releases
1992 - Current: USA, European and Japanese/Asian Releases

but it still seems to be random as to what we actually get and most of it is in the same packaging as the USA but some of it is European.
General Transformers Discussion / Hello
July 15, 2012, 05:35:58 AM
Hey Everyone

New member here thought id check in and see what the go is around here.

I Havent really collected a lot of stuff yet its only been the past few months I decided I wanted to collect the toys.  I got my first lot of toys around 5 years ago coz I was reminiscing on my childhood and bought stuff randomly. I got into collecting with the Sega Megadrive (Genesis). I am from Australia and look forward to helping out with what I can round here.

Oh and if this is in the wrong section feel free to move it and call me an idiot.