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Messages - HighPrime

Thanks for your diligence, though.  Sure it helps shmax in any case.
Firefox 16.0.1
Ha.. you have a lot of catching up to do if you want to compete for the crown of moron.. which I currently own.

Right.. tried that to begin with.. triangle doesn't expand to the figures... categories is as far as I can go.
So then perhaps I don't know how to use this?  How are you supposed to select the variant if you can't make an exact selection?
'Others' in this case.  I receive no menu afterwards to select a figure.  Just stops cold.
Thanks, Mike.  That makes the menu's stay put.  Good tip.

As for the rest, still can't expand.  I'm sure I would have figured he would be in the 'others' category once I saw the last menu expand.. at least I hope!   However.. issue persists in 'others' category. So, still broken for me.
Still not-working for me.   Same procedure as above.. Autobots won't expand.  Also, tried clicking on the arrow at the end also, but that just makes the menu disappear altogether.

Thanks in advance for tuning the menu system.
Also would like to clarify if the upload limit applies BEFORE or AFTER the submission.  As Mike points out the compressed photo on site was 900KB.  The photo I submitted was over 2MB.

I would not have to compress my Photos as much if it's the former, which would be great - would love to leave compression at 12 and avoid dipping into the dreaded (for me) 8 and below numbers..
Again working in this one:

No option to select rear photo.  Entire field is missing.   Also get a weird error informing me that 'you forgot to submit at least one photo for your entries,'  I uploaded 4 already.  Not sure if related.

EDIT:  Just for 'fun,' checked another SKU...  Same issue, so possible this is site-wide.
Messing with this one:

Get's me all the way to Powermaster Autobots, but can't make an exact selection.  Menu option stops at 'Autobots.'

Optional reading:  Unless there's an overhaul, I'm wondering if possible use the same menu-style that's available with mold choices or package selections?  Besides consistency, it's a little frustrating to use this drop-down....if your mouse leaves the menu the drop down disappears completely.. if you're 5 deep in, and it disappears you have to start all over from the beginning.. this actually happens all over the site with this similar menu system.  Using Firefox 16x.
Limit is 500KB, but I uploaded a photo (unprocessed) that is over 2MB.  (reject it when done, though...)
Trading Post / Re: TRU Masterpiece Optimus Prime - NEED
October 10, 2012, 08:25:30 PM
Got one -  Traded for it. Whew...
Trading Post / Re: TRU Masterpiece Optimus Prime - NEED
October 10, 2012, 09:57:27 AM
I can only hope TRU keeps stocking and 'ebay' gets saturated like MP Thundercracker has done.  There's 4 MP Thundercrackers still sitting on the shelf at my TRU.  That's my glimmer of hope for getting this without over-paying...

No feedback from the resident shutterbugs, yet?

I dunno, Tusko, these actually look pretty decent to me.

I do notice that you still seem to have shadows flying in too many directions. What happens if you get rid of the side lights and just put everything directly overhead?

Also, you might try turning down the exposure just a tad, and making up the difference in Photoshop with the "levels" control.

Another trick for minimizing frontal glare is to lay a black t-shirt or towel along the bottom, just out of frame (Highprime taught me that one).

Really I'm no expert--Highprime, any advice?

Yes, this will do it.

I've scaled back this method except for bags and profile shots (if even necessary), however.   Black levels are too rich for my tastes and I actually prefer the reflection over the over-darkened photos.  You can see black is too rich and somewhat washed out in the links provided. You can also see this photographer is clearly shooting on a downward angle - to me that's not reference for the site (I should not see the tops of those bubbles if shooting straight-on... Of course, it's not 'terrible' to shoot this way and Shmax does provide leeway, but I don't shoot this way - though these methods should/do help to minimize glare.  You could tilt the package slightly upwards, but then that would mess with the shadow underneath and you may have to adjust your lights further.  For every positive, there's a negative...

So, unless Shmax says 'I don't like the way you shoot packages (and lord knows he's not shy about bringing issues to my attention!)'... I'll continue to work the way I do, heh.

Trading Post / TRU Masterpiece Optimus Prime - NEED
October 09, 2012, 09:47:19 PM
Figured I'd post this here just in case one of you generous moderators (or members) happens to have a TRU close by you.. and could snag me one.. Will pay you for your trouble, of course.  I've been to the one by me 3 times, but guess I'm not getting there when the doors open because the shelf has been cleared each time by scalp... I mean 'other collectors.'  dammit...  Got some things to trade over at TFW, also, where my feedback is perfect..

Anyway... help a brother out, please!