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Messages - HighPrime

Quote from: "shmax"
Oh, sorry, I should have been more clear--yes, you most definitely get credit for each photo. You can see this in action on any of the details pages with photos on it--just hover over a photo thumbnail and you'll see the author. I'll definitely look into trying to assign credit per field. That's really the way I'd have to do it, though I wouldn't necessarily have to show a submitter after every field, I could just do a "submitters" list, as you suggest. All in good time!
Great, and thanks for clarifying.  Certainly low priority.  On the 'to-do' list it goes ;)
ah.. got it.. damn.. so all of those photos I'll submit (building the light box today, by the by).... no credit (if a previous photo was in place)?  I wasn't thinking of credit for each field.  If a reasonable change is submitted to the record (at the mods/admins discretion, of course), then an overall credit is earned Just for the entire record, not per fields changed.  If someone updated the rarity, photo, or added meaningful and/or informative comments/descriptions, for example, that's worth a credit.

 Nothing for 'na' except the overwhelming satisfaction that comes with typing 'na,' though  :lol:
Quote from: "shmax"
Quote from: "HighPrime"
Additionally, when/if there's a problem, I'll have a record of my submissions, so I can cut and paste when I resubmit, rather than retype. I can tell you just in the few submissions I've made, I've had to retype a few times. Nothing major, but nothing I want to get in the habit of doing or re-doing as it were
Well, that's a different story, there. You fell victim to one of the many mischievous bugs I scatter throughout the code for your enjoyment. Let's start by fixing that feller, and see how ya feel after that. Whaddya say?
eh... still would like the email confirmation (even at some point).  If a no go, how about returning a web page after clicking the button with a summary of the fields changed and what they were changed from?  huh??? huh???

Getting tired of me, yet?  I got millions of suggestions  :twisted: (Some I'm not even aware of yet  :lol: )

I'll bet YOU got a CHOICE suggestion for me right now, but are these forums supposed to be family friendly?  :P
Quote from: "shmax"
Hmm, interesting. What's the reasoning, there?
Verification that my submissions were received.  Additionally, when/if there's a problem, I'll have a record of my submissions, so I can cut and paste when I resubmit, rather than retype.  I can tell you just in the few submissions I've made, I've had to retype a few times.  Nothing major, but nothing I want to get in the habit of doing or re-doing as it were ;)
Quote from: "shmax"
Quote from: "HighPrime"
How about an option to tick whether the bubble/styrofoam/plastic tray is included for MIB/MOC/Loose options?
Would you believe you're the first person to ever ask about the tray? I dunno, that's kind of a tough one to justify. Only the old toys have such a part, so I couldn't really just add the checkbox to everything. The other option is to include it as a regular part along with the other fists 'n missiles, but I dread the thought of having to come up with photos for them. Why not just mention that kind of thing in the comments field?
Not true.. just about every Japanese release is tray in box.  Henkei, Micron Legends, Superlink, etc.  And what about ROTF toys?  Open the box.. you then have to slide out the tray to undo the twist ties.  Another thing to add would be the catalogs, comics, and/or checklists, like those included in G1, Energon.

We've got to put you to work!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
I've looked at the "Timelines" section, specifically, and I know I've made more than 1 submission, which would put me in the top <!-- s;-) -->;-)<!-- s;-) -->  Don't see my name, there, though.  Bug? Or is there a certain amount of time that must pass before credit appears?

Thanks for looking!
I receive the following error:

Code Select
Nasty Error removed by Admin
Today's Loot:

MS-06 Micron Legends Thrust & Air Military Team (MISB)
G1 Shrapnel (MIB, but sealed on card with 100% accessories, paperwork, and unused stickers)
Bump!  Woo-hoo!
How 'bout an email that is sent to the submitter outlining exactly what package was modified and being considered/verified by the Moderators/admins?  The blurb at the top is OK (it is hard to notice, though), but an email instead of, or in addition to, the top-page 'banner' would be extra nice :)  C'mon, make it happen!

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
Looks great.  How about an option to tick whether the bubble/styrofoam/plastic tray is included for MIB/MOC/Loose options?
Quote from: "HighPrime"
Quote from: "shmax"
I wouldn't hold your breath on this one--according to the 'ol database only one member owns this toy. One of these days I'm going to add the ability to see who owns what, but until then, to eBay with you!
Oh, I know.  I'm just trying to get as many eyes on this as possible.  I have this posted in Seibertron, and TFW, also.  Additionally, I have a guy in Japan looking for this and TFsource owner Curt on the look out.  One way or another I will own this eventually.  If the owner registered here wants to just end this insanity and sell to me already, that would be great   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Perhaps a quick way to figure out who has this would be to break out the Destrons into sub-groups.  In this case the "Stuntrons" (as known in Japan).  Then I can see on the right side how close he is to completing the set in the rankings.   :P  :P  :P

No matter, though.  Don't wish to overthrow the guy (or girl) who owns it.  Just share a platform. ;)
Found him.  Wasn't too hard.  In the ranking list I'M #2 IN THIS CATEGORY... and I only own 4 Destrons!  FIgured the guy who was #1 had it, and I was right.   TFB owns this... Lucky  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
Quote from: "shmax"
I wouldn't hold your breath on this one--according to the 'ol database only one member owns this toy. One of these days I'm going to add the ability to see who owns what, but until then, to eBay with you!
Oh, I know.  I'm just trying to get as many eyes on this as possible.  I have this posted in Seibertron, and TFW, also.  Additionally, I have a guy in Japan looking for this and TFsource owner Curt on the look out.  One way or another I will own this eventually.  If the owner registered here wants to just end this insanity and sell to me already, that would be great   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Perhaps a quick way to figure out who has this would be to break out the Destrons into sub-groups.  In this case the "Stuntrons" (as known in Japan).  Then I can see on the right side how close he is to completing the set in the rankings.   :P  :P  :P

No matter, though.  Don't wish to overthrow the guy (or girl) who owns it.  Just share a platform. ;)
Bump?   :lol:
How granular do you want us to be when reporting bugs/issues/problems?  For example, this one's not really a bug; more cosmetic.

In the EZ Collection section: ... earchTerm=

All figures have MOSC/MOC options except 1; Overload: ... n_overload

Nothing functionally wrong, but aesthetically, it's a mismatch.  Yeah, yeah 'splitting hairs,' but that's why I'm asking  :P

EDIT:  Nevermind.. that's why the option is there to submit changes to the card/box type.  (D'oh..)  I've submitted.