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Messages - HighPrime


nope... not fixed for me.

Add item to collection here: with price.
Price doesn't get added to bar. Refresh - price is there. Go into product page. Refresh. Price/condition is gone.

Updated the thread title for shmaxy to take a look again.
When I add a new figure to my collection, select the drop-down from 'Purchased Condition' and when typing the price, the record says 'saved,' but when I go back into it, 'Purchased Condition' was not saved and the price paid is blank.  Started last night.  Tried refreshing the browser and modified again today, but same results.

--fixed, thanks (if anything was done)!
48 as an example.  No longer displays who contributed on any of the parts.   There's a photo showing Bumblebee's trunk with the weapon stowed that I put a little blurb, but it doesn't show up.
Feature Requests/Announcements / Re: Update 08/17/2012
August 18, 2012, 07:43:34 AM
Looks great! Site has been looking better and better and load times continue to be speedy.

One thing I've never cared for is the (m) tag for modify after the parts.  Clutters things up.  I understand it's useability, but I like the cleaner look without it.  It's not a big deal to click one extra time to modify within the part.  90% of the time I'm already in the part record as it is, so I never think to use or have a need to click on the (m).  Finally, how often do you need to modify a part?  In general it's 'add it' and 'forget it.'

This has been gone for a while, but I miss the photo contributor information that would pop-up when mousing over a thumbnail of the part.

There's a few issues that have cropped up now:

-Sort by "date bought newest" isn't working.
-Link to view photo submissions under a profile is no longer present.
-Photo descriptions are blank.

Posting in the bug section.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks Spliff and Shmax for the recognition.

It's tough trying to get through each week without random machinery getting the drop on me (Don't you hate when that happens?), but I'll try harder to push through.

Something like Bruticus would be a gestalt-figure, which allows for faction, a 2000-word bio, etc..

I gave him the gestalt-figure designation and copied/pasted your write-up from the product record, so it all fit.

Regarding the Item Description, like you said, it probably couldn't hurt to bump up the character limit a bit.


Thanks, man.  I must have missed it when I looked as I didn't see the bio.  Might help next time if I read with my eyes open... I'll give it a shot.

Wordy description on the back of the box that I ended up spilling over into the 'comments' section.  Exceeds the 1000 character limit.  Might be possible to stick this into the tech specs bio for Bruticus instead, if preferred, but there's no 'tech specs' field for Gestalt-type parts (and it would also need more than 1000 characters.)

Maybe this isn't a bug.. possibly a 'feature request???'

When adding a new form to a part, if you assign a photo and then submit when finished, the photo selected for the form does not 'stick.'  Shows 'no image' still when going back into the part.  You end up having to go in a 2nd time, select photo again, and then click submit for the photo to stay assigned.

Here's the part I was working with:

Has Happened each time I add a new form/photo for other parts, too.

Hellscream should catch and then pass me within the next 2 weeks, I imagine.  Probably revenge for me passing him.

The best part is I probably plowed through 20K photos in order to get 4,000 decent ones.  Thanks for the honors!
I don't own either of the other 2, and this guy I'm trying to sell off ;)  Noted about 3 quarters view.  I'll see what I can do going forward.
POTD, wh00t!

Sorry I couldn't go higher on resolution.  Camera limitations and the photo would not meet my, dare I say, 'demanding' specifications of quality ;)
Wh00t!  1000+ photos....  Good work, sir :)