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Messages - rangeronetechnician

No need to apologize. I've been busy myself. I appreciate your time and have nice one.
Help Us Build the Database / Items in submission queue
December 08, 2016, 07:04:48 AM
Hi dear admins,

I have 44 items in my submission queue since October 2016. I filled the records with all information I had, including item/assortment number. I still don't know what's pending. Can you verify/revise them for me or tell my why they were not committed to the database yet.

Thank you for your attention.

Sorry to ressucitate this topic but my submission queue is returning this same message, with a 404 wolverine picture.

"We can't seem to find this page. Tell you what: we'll hunt around for it some more later, but for now please check your number and dial again."

By the way, I had 40+ Star Wars items submitted.