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Messages - romorini

It's hard to say, the "photos you can provide" isn't excluding anything from my collection anymore, (I know, wrong board, just noticed the problem). I can certainly back up the two hundred, the 300 would depend on what you need from my collection. I'll start with some booklet scans Wednesday. And you guys can tell me if everything's up to par.
Yeah, I'm shopping for one, I just never saw how funny it was that a guy without a camera leading the pack for a photocontest till you pointed it out. I just kinda rolled with it. I figured the shift in value of my collection is due to a lack of data about the value of all of my opened toys.

Quote from: "shmax"
$9.99? That does sound a little severe. This may be an example of one of these "bugs" that I've heard can sometimes happen. I'll look into it. As for them photos and not having a camera, have you learned nothing about the fine art of mooching from my example? Borrow a camera, says I. It shouldn't be hard--every other carbon-based lifeform on the planet already has one. You'd be in the clear for winning a toy, and you'd be making a tired old code-monkey proud. So get mooching!
I've recently realized we didn't include the little catalogs and/or promotional inserts that come with the boxed figures. I have a sizable number of those in good enough condition to scan, this will require some updates to the contents of theses figures too...

 I'll raise my bid to 300. I should start scanning what I've got at my apartment, just so I don't hit a nasty backlog.
Ditto with the plummeting collection value. *Update: the value of my collection went from $4,620 to $9.99.

Also, curses! my instruction-booklet only bid is being challenged by a camera-wielding member! I'm doomed! How could I have known being without a camera would handicap me in this competition?!
Excellent! I can't wait to see how much the predicted value of my collection falls! I'm a proud emancipator of toys.
Curse my lack of camera! I can give you scans of instruction sheets after I pick up my binders from home. Do you also want images of the backs of cards? I open all my toys, so the fronts aren't of use to you, but I could at least put that info up.  Barring my going nuts and getting a camera this month, the 'photos you can provide' puts me at 14, though I think that's a major low-ball figure. I'll meet your bid of 200, if nothing else, it'll give me the push I need to buy something nice that isn't a robot.
Okay, I've got a few additions, I'll PM you the details. One question I have is on the instruction Booklets. I've kept practically all of mine from over the years.  What is your policy on scanning them?  I noticed RID Grimlock only had the front window scanned. Is that all you want?
That's exactly the info I was looking for. The interface seems far more clear to me after your explanations. Is there a place you'd like me to start engledogg? I'm most familiar with Beast Wars and up. Generation Two and Machine Wars confuse the bejezzes out of me. I could figure them out, but I'd prefer a few warm-up rounds.
Hello! This is a great site you all have. It's a great resource for the fandom. I admit that my resources are low, but I would like to help somehow. I don't keep boxes nor do I own a camera you'd want for pics, but I can do data entry in my spare time.

Where do you find the information on the molds? All I can find when I look at the toys are the date and manufacturer. I can figure out most of the line information, and re-use but not the number.