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Messages - kiyoshioni

But I know you asked for them on tfw2005.

First off, great idea, great site.  I love it.

The major pain, for me, is the speed in which everything is loading.  Im not sure if that's something you can fix or not.  I dont mind it, but it has deterred me from looking through the list of photos and info you need on more than one occasion.  Im just sort of an impatient guy these days.

The other thing is, the search function.  When you search for something specific, it works wonders.  But if you want to maybe browse everything in a line, it's kind of a pain.  Also, maybe when you search for something, it could come up as a list with no pictures, so you can see everything at once, instead of the 10-20 per page.  And, Im just kind of going with whatever comes to mind now, if you do implement a list in the search function, add check boxes for "add to collection" so people can add multiple figures at once, and then go into their collection later and change all the details.

Im probably not being very clear about this search thing.  I've just pulled a 14 hour work day and a bit tired.  Right now, when you search, the drop down menu only has "Transformers" in it.  Im sure you are working on it, but I would love to search by "Line" "Country" "Faction" "Exclusives" ect. ect.

And one more thing.  Can we break the boxed sets up into single figures?

That's about it as far as Im concerned
But otherwise, I love what you are doing!  It's fantastic.
