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Messages - Meewash

Ah yesss, I will be getting Pereptor very soon. He's such a nice bloke. It's a pity he doesn't have mouth. I wish they had removed the plate. Anyway, he'll be mine soon. In the meantime I got another commemorative reissue release - the Insecticons. :)
A piece of advice. If you really want superb photos, use the sunlight. No lamps will ever be as good as the sun itself on a beautiful, sunny day. Really. Just put your lightbox in the direct sunlight and there you go. Of course it's not that always easy. But that's something you shoud be aiming at.
As far as the lamps are concerned, I suggest looking for lamps not only powerful but also capable of imitating the sunlight. I believe it's called the temperature of a lightbulb/the light or something like that. They should be around 5500K. Traditional lights are around 2000K or something.