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Messages - Xaxis

Sweet! My Fun Facts and sig are working again! :D :D

I'm happy to help, and you're most welcome. Like I said, I'm a Web developer myself so I totally understand the appreciation for a well-done bug report (and a bit curious about what caused the problem). I'll let you know if I run into anything else. Keep up the great work!
Hi Shmax,

Great site, I'm really enjoying cataloging my collection here. I'm encountering a bug when viewing my collection. The stats box doesn't appear and instead has the error message that says to post in the forums. So, here I am.

when I go to <!-- m --><!-- m --> the right side of the page displays this message:
"Fatal error! Please post the URL you were trying to view along with a short description of how to reproduce the problem in the forums."

Also, when I attempt to view my dynamic sig page here (haven't put the sig into any boards yet), the following php error is showing:
Code Select
details redacted by admin

Both of these were working for me up until a certain point in entering my collection. I'm wondering if I might have some funky data stored that's causing the glitch. (I'm a Web developer, so my mind kicks into debugging mode easily  <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> )

Thanks for the great site and for the help with these bugs!
