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Messages - Ravagebeak1000

Feature Requests/Announcements / Re: Questions??....
December 07, 2009, 12:12:42 PM
Sounds good.  I agree a faster server is priority number 1.  I anxiously look forward to the changes you mentioned.  The primary function for me to have my collection on a database is to be able to put an up to date spreadsheet on my phone while out hunting/at a show/or even at Target.  Trust me I keep buying the same damn Transformers over and over because I can't remember what I have and what I don't have.  Also while digging through parts boxes at shows, knowing what parts I need and already have is huge for me.  I keep buying the same damn parts over and over too.  I'm sure it's nice to have a collection on a website for show.  But this functionality for the collector does not exist in any form.  You have the start on this functionality that no one else right now has by having the start of a functioning database site.  I would think wayyyy down the road once the site is set, an iphone app would be a good companion to the site.  But for now a downloadable spreadsheet is the thing.
Feature Requests/Announcements / Re: Questions??....
December 04, 2009, 01:06:48 PM
Thanks for the response.  As far as adding specific parts it may be as simple as adding a wishlist check off box for each of the individual part entries.  Once you click into the figure at first the wishlist check box is visable.  But underneath each individual figure and the parts that make up the whole each have their own page that you can click into.  This is where the secondary "wishlist" check boxes should be located so we can add individual parts.  Then that info would have to be looked at as how it would then pull into the spreadsheet.

As for the Spreadsheet not pulling the comments section.  I understand that the way they are listed includes the stores for the most part.  But when looking at the info on the spreadsheet all it shows is "exclusive"  under the "type" column.  Not the actual store name.  So that info is never shown on the spreadsheet.  A quick fix for both issues would be if you pulled the comments section from the site to the spreadsheet so we could enter the specifc store and what parts are needed in the comments section.  Then we would have all the info needed.  Example..."Walmart exclusive, have figure, need lazer blaster and instructions sheet".  A future fix would be a downloadable wish list, also with the comments section pulled.  The downloadable spreadsheet to me is the most important thing.  Being on the go at a show/convention/flea market/yardsale, I need as much info as I can get available on my phone, to pull up quickly and efficently.  Thanx let me know your thoughts.
Feature Requests/Announcements / Questions??....
December 04, 2009, 10:20:07 AM
I am new here, but can't seem to to find a way to add specific parts to my Wishlist.  There seems to only be a box that you check that adds the entire figure, parts and all.  Can some help me with this?

Also, I was hoping that you could pull the comments area of "My Collection" to show on the My Collection spreadsheet.  For instance some figures arent listed as exclusive to a specific store.  I added the comment in my collection and was hoping that it would also show on the spreadheet.  Thanks for considering..