As you've probably noticed, we now have our gallery live and the photos are pouring in. Size comparisons, action shots, backside views - all so you can get a better look at what you might like to throw your money at. Or maybe you just like laughing at what others buy.
Whatever the case,
YOU can now submit photos that are not up to our usual Reference Photo standards. The guidelines for this are less strict but there are still a few things we'd like see here;
-Your subject should be in focus, sharp and clear. Let's face it, no one enjoys Myspace photos!
-Your subject should be well lit. After all, what good is a photo when you can't see what it holds?
-Please use a single color background. There's no need to make Rainbow Bright proud. You can purchase some poster board from a local store for less than $1!
-No camera phone shots please. Camera phones are like shaved cats: never pretty.
Be mindful of your composition.-Lastly - Have fun! They're children's toys after all!