
Started by Spiff-O-Matic, July 23, 2012, 11:43:11 AM

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Is it possible to sticky the search bar to the header so it's always visible? It would make it easier while editing products to not have to scroll all the way back to the top to get to it  ;D


Yeah, I was planning on doing that. What do you think about the idea of just putting it up in the black header (and getting rid of the drop-down)?


I wouldn't go so far as removing the drop-down. At least in my browser, there is a fair bit of space between the Help option and my account drop-down.


That would work, as I can't say I ever really use the drop-down

Sorry Trip... ;)


Adding the search bar in the black header is a good idea. But I agree with Trip, I wouldn't just get rid of the drop down entirely, it will be useful once we have other domains/brands. That way when I do a search for say Laser Gun the search only stays within that specific domain and give me a bunch of G.I.Joe part listings.

Unless, you already had planned on something like that, then you can forget everything I just said.
*puts on black shades and uses neuralyzer*



I wouldn't go so far as removing the drop-down. At least in my browser, there is a fair bit of space between the Help option and my account drop-down.

Sorry, should have been more clear--I was talking about the little drop-down next to the current search input. I don't think you really need it when you're otherwise able to filter search results backward and forwards using the nav tree. Would any of you miss it?


Adding the search bar in the black header is a good idea. But I agree with Trip, I wouldn't just get rid of the drop down entirely, it will be useful once we have other domains/brands. That way when I do a search for say Laser Gun the search only stays within that specific domain and give me a bunch of G.I.Joe part listings.

Unless, you already had planned on something like that, then you can forget everything I just said.
*puts on black shades and uses neuralyzer*


Good point, but there's going to be a special UI for switching domains. I think it'll be similar to what you see on Amazon.com... a big friendly button in the upper left that lets you choose a domain. I'll think it through some more.

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