Arms Micron releases.

Started by Antron007, February 17, 2013, 02:09:18 PM

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So I have some gashapon microns now and was gonna add the insert to the parts list. But I noticed that they are listed as being in boxes. And while they came out in boxes they came out in capsules first. I also would like to add the capsule colors because they are consistent per product. ie. Arcee Blade always comes in a Dark Pink/Redish Translucent capsule.

How would I do this? Would they be separate releases? If I create a new release will I get to set the package type and parts of it.

Like I said the entries we have are not wrong by any means just incomplete. Could someone give me a quick run through?


I thought they were all capsule Google-fu is weak as I can't come up with a single boxed image.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


February 17, 2013, 04:51:36 PM Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 04:53:43 PM by Antron007
I think only the first wave came out in boxes. I'm not too sure. You can find the boxes on ebay from time to time. I've seen them. They are in tfwiki also. 8-20-2012 is when they started boxing them.

And I believe that only the pink ones got boxed as well. So how do I enter all of this info?


Okay...I think I have it figured out.  The boxed versions (which only occurred with Vol. 1) are actually called Arms Micron Gum.  I will add this category to the database.  And you're right - only the pink bots are in this version.

The Vols. 2 and 3 should all be, anything that's in a box, needs changed to a capsule.

Hold tight and I'll get it done ASAP.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


February 17, 2013, 06:17:51 PM Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 06:45:44 PM by Antron007
Cool. Where should I put the color of the capsule? Should I make it a part?

They all come in a Translucent Colored Capsule with the Figure wrapped in a Plastic Baggie and an Insert. (Same insert per wave) I have waves 1 and 2 so I can put the colors of the capsules.

I crossed check on various internet sites to confirm that they are color coded to the figures like in the Arcee Blade example I used above.

They all also have "T-ARTS MADE IN VIETNAM" as well as "C Tomy" stamped on them. Who would T-Arts be? Manufacturer under licence?


February 17, 2013, 08:24:46 PM Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 08:26:34 PM by engledogg
If you want to mention the capsule color, put it under the Comments section, set up like I did here:

You don't need to create any records or anything for the capsules...just edit the ones that already exist. 

T-Arts is this:

So, basically, TakaraTomy.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Oh yeah, if the insert is the same for all of them, you only need to enter one and assign it to the other packages.  No need to create a unique record for each package.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


So if i'm editing and or adding a part to a product. I add it to a product at the bottom then? I didn't see your post until I added the insert. I know for the future. Thanks


Yep, you would create the record, like normal, then, in the Select Packages area, all the way down at the bottom, just choose the packages that contain that part by using the picker and finally placing a 1 in the proper packages/groups/fields.

Also, what is the insert?  A catalog-type thing?

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Yeah I just shows the figures in the set. I found a pic of the wave 1 one I have. There seem to be a couple different ones. Maybe boxed version?


Gotcha...also, for something like a plastic bag, or tape, or twist ties and the like, we don't really keep track of those types of things and don't typically list them as contents.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Cool. Thanks for all your help. :)

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