Gotcha...but then there's stuff like this: Of Extinction- Contains the recently revealed "Smash and Change" Optimus, the simple looking one currently the center of utter maddening debate.
Age Of Extinction: Generations- This is what fans are looking for. This is where the more complex Optimus' we've seen will be staying. Hasbro has officially stated the "Generations" subtitle is meant to promote the current Generations line.
Generations- Exactly what it is now, will remain unchanged and unencumbered as far as we know. It will not house any movie figures, merely run along side them and share a name. THAT IS ALL.
To me, if this guy is right, this Prime would fall under AoE: Generations subcategory...also, if he's right, that's going to be some convoluted category organization, for sure...anyhow, for now, I've created AoE as a top-level category, and you can find Prime here: then again, we've seen the "Smash and Change!" Optimus Prime using this same style packaging.
I could have sworn I read that Hasbro was dumping everything under "Generations", whether it says Generations on the packaging or that is simply their term for the generic "TRANSFORMERS" red and white packaging remains to be seen. If we end up with what we currently know as Generations toys showing up in that style packaging, then we'll switch stuff up as events warrant.
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