Would like to complete the Disney Infinity database.

Started by Scar04c, February 15, 2016, 07:55:10 PM

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Was going through and adding Disney Infinity figures that I noticed were not in the database, but then got to a point where a new figure could not be added into any of the available categories.

As it is, it is sorted as (using 3.0 as an example)...
----Power Discs

And that works to a point, but I believe it should be sorted as Disney themselves do - by franchise.  So, instead, it would look like this...
----Crystal Series
---Starter Sets
---Power Discs
---Power Discs
---Starter Sets
----Star Wars
----Star Wars Light FX
---Starter Packs
---Power Discs

Just an idea!  :)


Oh yeah, that's what I forgot to do when I changed the categories. Updated with franchise sub-lines where necessary.

Which toy were you having trouble categorizing, and can you categorize it now?
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February 16, 2016, 10:34:43 AM Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 11:22:17 AM by Scar04c
Excellent, thank you!  I can finish now, for the most part.

The only ones I wouldn't be sure of would be the Light FX exclusive series Star Wars ones under 3.0.  Would they go under "Star Wars", and then have an add-on to the figure, like so: Darth Vader (Light FX) or would they be their own category?


In line with the above question, there was another exclusive mini-series for 1.0 called "Crystal Series" figures.  Not sure how to categorize them in this instance.


The multi-packs should be renamed "Play Sets" since that's what they're called officially - just realized that.  Additionally, I need a category for Marvel under 3.0 Play Sets/Multi-packs for one upcoming figure.


Seems like they should be their own category, so they have their own category: Figures>Star Wars>Star Wars Light FX
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Excellent, thank you!


More subcategories needed:

Under Power Discs for 1.0, there needs to be...

Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Exclusive Series

Under Power Discs for 2.0...

Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3

As well as the previously mentioned 1.0 Figure addition, "Crystal Series".

Thanks so much!  :)


The multi-packs should be renamed "Play Sets" since that's what they're called officially - just realized that.  Additionally, I need a category for Marvel under 3.0 Play Sets/Multi-packs for one upcoming figure.

It looks like Disney only calls their multi-packs "Play Sets" when they come with one of those non-figure parts that unlocks a new stage in the game. There are multi-packs of figures or figures and Power Discs that don't say "Play Set" on them. I've added a "Play Set" category for packs that have a "Play Set", and any set that doesn't have one will be a "Multi-Pack".

More subcategories needed:

Under Power Discs for 1.0, there needs to be...

Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Exclusive Series

Under Power Discs for 2.0...

Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3

As well as the previously mentioned 1.0 Figure addition, "Crystal Series".

Thanks so much!  :)

Hold off on entering any Power Discs (except for 3.0) for now. We're still trying to figure out how to handle randomly-packed items. Feel free to enter 3.0 discs since they don't seem to be randomly packed.

Crystal Series category has been added. Thanks for chipping in on building the database! :)
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