Photo Contest!

Started by shmax, January 10, 2016, 04:29:35 PM

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January 10, 2016, 04:29:35 PM Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 09:40:34 AM by shmax
Naw, this isn't like the ones we did in the old days--this time it's very simple and involves only a single winning photo. The goal is to create a funny photo for's 404 page. What's a 404 page? It's a page that you ideally shouldn't encounter very often, and usually indicates that the user has browsed to an outdated link, or something else has gone wrong.

Because the 404 page isn't really front-facing content, it has become traditional for websites to get a little creative/drunk when coming up with them. Here are some examples:

404s of all the Nations

See what I mean?

We have a dedicated 404 page on already, but it's not a lot of fun:

As you can see, it could benefit from a little creativity. I googled around for things that might be appropriate, and came up with things like this:

But I'm way too lazy to chase down rights and whatnot, so I'm turning to you animals for help.

Bear in mind that, strictly speaking, your photo does not necessarily have to feature Transformers--that ship has long since sailed--anything vaguely toy-related is fine. Post your submissions in this thread so we can all enjoy 'em, and we'll decide who wins at the end of the month with a poll. You can post as many as you like. Bonus points for coming up with a clever/corny caption (eg. "I guess the cat got that one").

Winner will get $100 out of's profits, which as of now are hovering firmly around -$36,000.


pretty interesting contest.
I will see if anything pops to mind.


I will also think on this. Is there a deadline?


Is there a deadline?

I mentioned the end of the month, but if no one submits anything I guess we'll just let 'er ride.


Here are 2 very quick-and-dirty mock ups. I have one more idea for a Megatron one but don't have the time right this minute to make it. I'll try to get that up before the end of the day.


The gauntlet has been thrown down! Actually, that would be a good photo--someone get me a photo of that.

Don't be shy, folks. Grab your cameras and just let magic happen. And if magic doesn't happen, don't be afraid to force it.


No cat in this one, but here is the missing LEGO piece idea we talked about.


Another stupid idea I thought of this morning...


No cat in this one, but here is the missing LEGO piece idea we talked about.

I like this direction. Push the poignancy!


March 09, 2016, 08:23:37 AM Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 08:25:58 AM by shmax
Well, my little contest sort of fizzled-out, so I've moved it over to 99designs. Here's what we have so far:


just voted.
truthfully, i had forgotten about the contest.
glad to see the new submissions

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