Started by shmax, August 17, 2024, 06:24:26 PM

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Well, sort of. Still ironing out a few issues, so you might not want to make any major changes to your collection or to the database until we give the final all clear, but for now, well, let's just say it's been a long week...


Thanks for getting that squared away, even if finalization is still in process.
I was starting a backlog pile to log, if it went on longer.


Yep, yep, unfortunately we're still struggling with a few things. Stay tuned...


All-clear! I think we should be all set, folks. 

I've received complaints about photos and download collection not working, but they seem to be working, now.
Please let me know right away if you notice any further kinks in the system, and thanks for being patient. 


First off, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WORK!!!  This site is amazing, which is part of why any issues are so distressing. 

That said, I'm unable to select any "Add to my collection" link on the site.  And, I'm still getting frequent site timeout errors.

Again, thanks for making this site available. It's an invaluable resource!


August 24, 2024, 09:17:54 AM Last Edit: August 25, 2024, 07:04:26 PM by shmax
The bad news is that we still haven't managed to work out a proper fix for the  "Add to my collection" issue (it's a deep AWS thing). The good news is that I've released a workaround. The issue concerns looking up the default currency code for users for which we don't already have the information. It involves using an external API, and the root problem is that we can't currently make outgoing network requests, which is why everything hangs. I guess you guys don't need to know all that, but the workaround for now is that if we don't already know your default currency code, we just assume 'USD'.

I've opened a support ticket with AWS which will hopefully result in a more holistic fix, but for now you guys should be able to resume your clickin'.


Sorry, folks, with all the other issues floating around it seemed safest to disable user edits for the time being. Hope to have an update tomorrow.


Edits are enabled again, but unfortunately search is still broken (which will make using search-based pickers difficult). We're working on it...


Search is fixed!


Looks great!  I see the "Top Collectors" calculations are working for new lines (Voltron Legendary Defender), as well!


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