[/wrap:1g3wbmo0]When you think Transformers, and you think jet, what's the first toy that springs into your mind? Okay, Starscream, sure, but what's the
next toy that you think of? Starscream again, okay, but what's the
third toy you--look, let's just skip ahead to the 137th toy you think of, smart guy, which is the subject of today's photo,
Eagle Eye. Engledogg's skillful lens captures a jet that is sleekly and inventively designed, sturdy, resplendent in a striking green and black paint scheme--and completely forgotten. This mold has never been reissued, repainted, resold, or re-anything'ed, even though it comes from the early first class of Generation 2-era jets designed specifically for the Transformers brand (the other, more well-known "seeker" jets have their roots in the Diaclone F-15 Robo line of toys). Why are some molds fed to us
again and again while others are doomed to obscurity? What, what are you looking at me, for? I have no idea, that wasn't rhetorical. If anybody
can explain that one, the rest of us are listening. Go ahead, you don't even need to raise your hand.