Hi all,
I'm new here. My handle is NebulanFree and I've been trolling boards since ATT back in '96. Got Jazz for Christmas 1984 and have not stopped since. I was there for Action Masters (which I love), I was there for G2, Beast Wars, and everything since. I've been to BotCon several times, and those damned TransCons hosted by Men in Black in '97 and '98. Going to Orlando this year as well.
I really dig the site. Glad there's a place for me - and for the rest of us- to catalog our items in a community setting. This is far more enjoyable than my old Excel spreadsheets or my ancient graph paper charts I started logging during G2.
Anyway, that's it for me. I'm at #17 for now, but I have more to count (later, as I am about to PCS).