Photo of the Day: July 26th, 2011

Started by shmax, July 26, 2011, 06:36:51 PM

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July 26, 2011, 06:36:51 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
The thing about Goldenboy is you never know what he's gonna do. He might submit a photo, or he might not. Usually it's not, but on one of the rare but appreciated occasions where he failed to not submit one, we wound up with this photo of Lugnut, who appears to be some kind of jet-powered wrassle-bot. Just look at those big wide fingers, ideal for eye pokin', beer tab poppin', or maybe just banging out "Chopsticks" on the piano (which is widely known to be the favorite song of anyone who owns a piano). All in all, a fine, fine photo from 'ol Goldenboy. Probably a fluke, though. I'll bet he couldn't, you know, submit a couple hundred more. Too bad, really...


July 27, 2011, 05:03:40 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
What an honour!   Thank you kindly!

I must admit I wasn't too taken with Lugnut in the package but after freeing him from his twisty-tie prison he did grow on me a little bit........... but he really does look like a wrassler, doesn't he...   :oops:

...and if you think your cheap, snide remarks will have any effect on my contribution levels, all I can say is... let me get my lightbox, sir! I picked up a few more of these United figures and am really loving the line. The subtle metallic paint apps (or not so subtle, but still awesome on Blurr) that seem to have replaced previous years "I'd totally CHROME that!" are much preferrable for me.  :)

Seriously thanks very much to Engledogg for his stubborn refusal to accept my sub-standard contributions and all the patient advice he provided on the rejection emails - I was thrilled when my last batch were all accepted!   :mrgreen:

Cheers all, happy collecting

I dominate chopsticks too.


July 27, 2011, 08:15:19 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
Great image!!
I love how crisp the contrast is and the edge definition is very nice.  My photos have poor edge retention as the white background bleeds onto the figure.
Nice focus too, with such a large figure nicely detailed with minimal shadows.
Great job!  A joy to look at.


July 27, 2011, 08:51:42 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
You're really coming along, all right. Why, when you hit 10,000 photos, we'll look back and laugh about those early days. A quick word on shadows: we love 'em. A few of your package shots look like you might be trying to photoshop the shadows out. It's really not necessary. If you position your main light source directly above the subject, pointing straight down, the shadow should gather into a tidy little puddle right at the base of the subject. As long as the shadow is soft (always use the light tent), localized around the base of the subject, and doesn't extend out of the frame, we love 'em. This goes for packaged and loose toys.


July 27, 2011, 10:00:39 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
Nice work, sir :)   Since you love chrome and metallic surfaces so much, I will leave all of those to you for shooting going forward along with clear, whites, bright yellows and greens, and...well basically everything but flat brown, blues, blacks, and olive greens.  Sweet... I suddenly have a lot less work to do. :twisted:
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