Mold distinction question

Started by tusko, October 30, 2012, 03:25:02 PM

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Dear Shmaxian Overlords:
I have a question!  When I "browse" the catalog of toys, I have the option to look by "mold".  Which is great! However the "US" version and "Canadian" version and "European" version are all lumped separately in this view.
I know they are separate entities in terms of packaging for the regional, release and language variation interests of this site, but in the mold category, why aren't they all lumped together?  I understand Classics and Henkei are different for example... different paint and accessories in some cases and therefore different molds.  But US and Canadian mold differences do not exist so why not lump the popularity statistics together?

For my own curiosity?  Love the site!  So much information and goodness here. 

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