Hey how about some packaging variations? All the Preview Series Kre-O toys have the same pic:
http://www.shmax.com/database/3301?browse=0See the code 21451 8, this is Galvatron. They aren't really blind packs. Here are the rest:
Crankstart, A1010 (214510)
Galvatron, A1008 (214518)
Scorponok, A1011 (214511)
Spinister, A1007 (214517)
Sunstorm, A1009 (214519)
Waspinator, A1012 (214512)
BUT there is a problem. Today I bought Sunstorm and Galvatron... but the code is different now! Here they are
Galvatron (215118)
Sunstorm (215119)
So what to do with this?