Adding Preorders

Started by Antron007, April 01, 2013, 03:43:58 PM

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I notice I can no longer add a product that has no release date. Case in point I just pre ordered Gen Springer and Blitzwing. I never tried adding a pre order before so maybe this is normal. I usually add a product when I order it and make a memo in the notes as to the date then I update the bought date on the date I receive them.  Did we used to be able to add pre orders? Can we start adding pre-orders. Or is it that we have to at least wait until there is an official date ?



I notice I can no longer add a product that has no release date. Case in point I just pre ordered Gen Springer and Blitzwing. I never tried adding a pre order before so maybe this is normal. I usually add a product when I order it and make a memo in the notes as to the date then I update the bought date on the date I receive them.  Did we used to be able to add pre orders? Can we start adding pre-orders. Or is it that we have to at least wait until there is an official date ?


We've gone back and forth on this a few times. Engledogg, do you remember what the full rationale was for disabling "add to my collection" for unreleased items?


April 05, 2013, 07:46:04 AM Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 08:02:32 AM by engledogg
I think part of it was just "how can you claim ownership of an item that hasn't been released yet?"  Part of it, I think, also had to do with the eBay appraisal system.  I think another thing was just to eliminate the possible confusion of someone seeing a user "owning" something that hasn't been released yet and then going on a frantic hunt for the item since "someone on shmax owns must be out".

Personally, I don't really have a strong opinion, either way. 

Myself, I tend to consider owning something when I'm holding it in my hands...others add stuff to their collection as soon as they toss it onto their Pile of Loot from BBTS. 

Case in point, I ordered some stuff from HTS a couple weeks ago...the box arrived destroyed.  Practically everything in there was spilling around the box, packaging mauled, the new cheap bubbles on Generations toys splintered.  If I would have indicated that I owned a bunch of MISB/MOSC items back on the day I ordered them, I'd have been totally wrong. :)

The situation was rectified (partially) by a very helpful HTS CS rep and now all I'm waiting on is a replacement Hun-Gurrr...which is, of course, out of stock on HTS.  Once I get him, if ever, the date that he arrives will be the date I enter the collection info.   

Again, that's my line of thinking (which is semi-fueled by pessimism), but I can see how others would like to know exactly when their money goes out for something, when they actually receive it, etc.  Of course, I can see how this might lead to a debate about what do people consider a preorder, discussion about the different online stores and how they charge upfront or only when something comes in stock, etc., but to keep on subject, "whatever" works with me.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Gotcha. Well, the eBay angle isn't a problem anymore. I'll leave the decision in your hands. Let me know how you want me to proceed.


I agree with the side of pessimism personally. As for my mail order exp, I enter it and make a note of when and how much in the memo field. Then when I get it I officialy add the date and prices then.

Maybe we can cook up "pr-ordered" as a condition? Then it can be changed to the proper condition upon delivery?

Thanks for the info. Btw? Any new rumors of when G blitz and sponged are coming?รง

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