Not sure what you mean by "difference on the box".
As I understand it, the "frustration-free" toy packaging is identical to the "standard" version, except that the "frustration-free" also includes the cardboard packing box from the factory. Sometimes, like with Predaking, Amazon will put this "total package" (box in a box) in another shipping box, but sometimes they'll just send it as-is, using the cardboard box provided by the factory as the shipping box.
Thinking about this, perhaps one "assembly line/production run" cranked out those that were intended for the "standard release" and one did the "frustration-free"? I can't see that really being feasible - there's no way that Amazon has that kind of relationship with the factories, or even with HasTak.
More likely, it just happened that one line/run ended up making those destined (without knowing) to end up as "standard releases", while one did the same with the "frustration-free"? Maybe those destined to be standard releases were created at a different time than the frustration-free releases?
Who knows? I guess the stamps on the packages would give us some clue, if there are any.
Regardless, I eventually want to track down the painted version as it just looks infinitely better than the unpainted version. Ideally, I would like some sort of reassurance that the frustration-free version will indeed have the painted weapons. At this point, though...I don't really feel like dropping $60 on this figure, for numerous reasons. Ugh.