Nintendo amiibos

Started by KidTDragon, November 23, 2014, 06:11:46 AM

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What's everyone's opinion on those new amiibo toys (Nintendo's version of Skylanders). Is that the kind of thing we'd want to add to the site? (Yes, I am volunteering to add them. ;) ) And since we're on the topic, what about adding toys of Nintendo figures in general? Yay? Nay?
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What's everyone's opinion on those new amiibo toys (Nintendo's version of Skylanders). Is that the kind of thing we'd want to add to the site? (Yes, I am volunteering to add them. ;) ) And since we're on the topic, what about adding toys of Nintendo figures in general? Yay? Nay?

You're a mod with mod-like powers. Do as you will!


Not to piggy back here... but what about Skylanders then? I have most of the first game's figs and am about to be getting some Swap Force figs as well.


November 25, 2014, 03:15:28 PM Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 03:34:25 PM by KidTDragon
Seems silly to add amiibos and not Skylanders. Give me some time to set up some categories for you.

Anyone want to tackle Disney Infinity?

EDIT: OK, Spliff, I got a bunch of categories set up for you. I'm not too knowledgeable on Skylanders, so let me know if you need additional sub-categories or any terminology corrected.

EDIT AGAIN: Hey, Shmax, would you kindly add "Nintendo" to the photo credit drop-down menu, so I can credit them for the stock photos I'm going to put up until I can take some real photos?
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November 25, 2014, 04:59:59 PM Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 07:25:03 AM by shmax

Hey, Shmax, would you kindly add "Nintendo" to the photo credit drop-down menu, so I can credit them for the stock photos I'm going to put up until I can take some real photos?

It is done!

You guys are welcome to go nuts with whatever toylines you want at this point, but there are two caveats:

1. You must enter the whole record whenever humanly possible. I'm talking mainly about the part records, here; I don't mind hashing out placeholders for stuff that might or might not be coming out down the road, but we have a huge deficit of parts-less product records already, so let's not make the problem worse.

2. Bear in mind that is still in "beta". Any records that are added in this state will probably need to be revisited at some point. They'll never be deleted and you'll never have to start over on them, but people that have been around as long as Engledogg and I have know that we occasionally have to make major changes to the entire data set (I'm thinking mainly of the long-gestating Mold and Group rewrite projects that I am slowly getting around to), so understand that more records added now will translate to more records revisited later on.

PSA over! Let 'er rip.


Domo arigato, Shmax-san! I've been itching to add Xevoz (and maybe Stikfas) to the database.
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