On the long-term viability of the database...

Started by Menbailee, October 17, 2007, 12:46:15 AM

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October 17, 2007, 12:46:15 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Menbailee
Hi Shmax.  My hat goes off to your effort here.  Making this database large enough to serve as a useful tool for the Transformers fan community is a monumental undertaking, which naturally only becomes possible if everyone starts adding the toys they have or would like to have.  I think a direct question is in order: what kind of commitment do you have to keeping this database up and running?  Just keeping an eye out for double entries is going to take a lot of work.  You'll need a very stable server and have all the concerns of running a website with (hopefully) major traffic.  Building the database to a comprehensive level will take a lot of time from a lot of people.  What's the plan for keeping it up and running for the long term?  Would you hand it over to Seibertron if you end up without enough time to take care of it, and would they want it?

I'm asking tough questions because I see the value in what you're doing, and I'm hoping it can stick around!


October 17, 2007, 01:01:21 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by shmax
Quote from: "Menbailee"
Hi Shmax.  My hat goes off to your effort here.  Making this database large enough to serve as a useful tool for the Transformers fan community is a monumental undertaking, which naturally only becomes possible if everyone starts adding the toys they have or would like to have.  I think a direct question is in order: what kind of commitment do you have to keeping this database up and running?  Just keeping an eye out for double entries is going to take a lot of work.  You'll need a very stable server and have all the concerns of running a website with (hopefully) major traffic.  Building the database to a comprehensive level will take a lot of time from a lot of people.  What's the plan for keeping it up and running for the long term?  Would you hand it over to Seibertron if you end up without enough time to take care of it, and would they want it?

I'm asking tough questions because I see the value in what you're doing, and I'm hoping it can stick around!
These are all great questions, almost too great, really--who sent you? You're not a cop, are you?

But yes, the enormity of the task is quite crushing, and though I've done my best to get things up and running by doing a ton of data entry myself, my long-term goal is to make the database friendly enough for the community itself to fill it in. Admittedly, it's not quite friendly enough, yet. There are flaws in the presentation that confuse folks. For example, no single user--including yourself--has quite "gotten" that you're supposed to browse your way to the appropriate sub-category before adding a figure or package (I'm in working on a solution for that, as we speak).

On the other hand, there are some safeguards in place. You mentioned double entries--well, in theory the database prevents this, though there will definitely be issues with some of our grammatically-challenged users forcing typo's and other mistakes through. But even then, all new additions are flagged as "pending", and must be approved by an administrator before they become publicly available.

As for my commitment, well, I've already spent a few years slaving away on this, so I'd be nuts to abandon all the work I've already done, but ultimately all work I do on this project is geared toward making it self-sufficient. There's no way I can personally take on the data entry AND handle support and new features, so the plan all along has been to open it up to the users. A little further down the line, I'll even be awarding one or more administrator flags to the user or users that seem the most capable, and they will take on data verification and other duties.

So, that's the general idea. I'm working at full capacity to beef things up to the point where I can start publicizing the site in earnest and welcome in the hordes, but in the meantime I'm still accepting any and all thoughtful input, suggestions, criticisms, and even wisecracks.

I thank you for your cogent post, and look forward to more!

- shmax

p.s. Thanks for Grimlock, he's been approved!


October 17, 2007, 11:25:29 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by tec
Welcome to fun
Glad you like what shmax has done here if you have any great ideas plz feel free to post thim trust me shmax will lisen to thim (heck he lisend to mine) :lol:


October 17, 2007, 03:21:17 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Menbailee
Thanks for the thoughtful response.  Web databases can frequently appear and then vanish, and people generally want some assurance that the ball is rolling and will keep its momentum before they join in.  In that spirit, I just created entries for practically every Beast Wars toy.  And hey, it looks as if you PMed me a thank-you before I could even finish this post!  Glad to help build the site.

It's curious that you'd mention that I hadn't browsed to the correct subcategory for Grimlock, since I was most definitely in the Classics category at the time.  Will the database register entries in their subcategories correctly regardless of whether the user is in the Collection, Wishlist, or Missing section?  If not, that might explain the problem--I might have been in one of those, and all the same categories appear.  The data entry appears to have worked correctly for the Beast Wars toys.


October 17, 2007, 03:47:50 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by shmax
Quote from: "Menbailee"
Thanks for the thoughtful response.  Web databases can frequently appear and then vanish, and people generally want some assurance that the ball is rolling and will keep its momentum before they join in.  In that spirit, I just created entries for practically every Beast Wars toy.  And hey, it looks as if you PMed me a thank-you before I could even finish this post!  Glad to help build the site.

It's curious that you'd mention that I hadn't browsed to the correct subcategory for Grimlock, since I was most definitely in the Classics category at the time.  Will the database register entries in their subcategories correctly regardless of whether the user is in the Collection, Wishlist, or Missing section?  If not, that might explain the problem--I might have been in one of those, and all the same categories appear.  The data entry appears to have worked correctly for the Beast Wars toys.
You, sir, are a hero. The entries are all appreciated, but they have some fundamental problems. I PM'ed you some of these issues, but I'll mention them here so other folks can get the gist as well. First, the package photos you used are all postage-stamp sized! They should be around 400 x 400, so they show up in their full glory on the details page (I've added a note to that effect on the entry form). They should also be displayed against a featureless white background. Next, some of them are mis-categorized. Don't worry about that one, I'm hard at work on a new category widget which will make it impossible to put them in anything but a "leaf node" category, and once it works I'll go back and fix any of your mis-categorized entries. Finally, you didn't really fill in many of the details, such as retail price, product and assortment number, and release date. All that info can be typically found on www.tfarchives.com (though I'm not sure they have a Beast Wars page), or other sites around the 'ol intertubes. The trickiest one is the UPC number, but it can generally be found on starwarsstuff So, we have a lot of fixin' up to do. I'm going to personally help out as much as I can, but if you could go back in and fix any you're able I'd be hugely grateful...

Oh, one more thing--Grimlock was in classics, which is correct, but he wasn't put into the "Deluxe" sub-category. Not to worry, my new widget will clear all that kind of thing up. Should be ready in a few hours...

- shmax

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