How are you gentlemen.
I am willing to give this site a try. I attempted this type of website when I recreated my site as it looks now. I didn't have the time to do it, but as a result I still have beta tables sitting in MySQL. :oops: Of course this site looks to be much simpler than what I had attempted... I had planned out stuff like mold and color searches, a marketplace and a billion other things. Perhaps I can lend these design ideas to this site.
And SHMAX, if you need info or pics, let me know. I don't know if you know who I am or anything but... I've got a list... A BIG LIST. I've got a lot of pics too. Feel free to IM me.
Hey there, welcome to the fun. I must confess I'd never been to your site before, but I just checked it out, and it looks like it's coming along nicely. If you dig a little deeper, you may find that this site is a little more sophisticated than you first thought. My advanced search isn't quite ready yet, but all the components are there--you can even browse by alternate form (any other sites do that?), and my color scheme system is unique in all of Transformerdom in that you can tag as many colors as you like for a toy. So when I get around to providing a UI for the advanced search, I dare say it will be the most powerful toy identification system online.
Or it would be, if the database were a little more fleshed out.
All ideas and suggestions are welcome, I consider each and every one very carefully, and give priority to the ones that show the most promise. I've already put in Tec's wishlist, and Hellscream's remold and repaint info, and shared name info.
As for them photos, gimme! Actually, if you're really feeling ambitious, you can go ahead and do the data entry yourself. Just click on the "Add Package" link when browsing by package, and there's a very friendly form that I hope is fairly self-explanatory. Once you have a package, you can add a figure, by clicking on the "Add Figure" link when browsing categories by figure.
I'm always online, and always eager to chat about this stuff, so don't be shy about participating. Heck, you can even Yahoo me as "Skipwhistle". Welcome aboard!
- shmax