Photo of the Day: August 29th, 2009

Started by shmax, August 29, 2009, 04:23:17 AM

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August 29, 2009, 04:23:17 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
[wrap=left:jcgdns8z][thumb small= large= group=potd:jcgdns8z]They said that a disembodied leg would never grow up to destroy one of the Great Pyramids. But who's laughing now?[/thumb:jcgdns8z][/wrap:jcgdns8z]When Long Haul was just a pup on Cybertron, he had to endure more than his share of ridicule at the hands of his classmates. "Hey no-body", they'd yell, "where's the rest of ya?" They'd call him "stumpy", "foot-face", "legghead", and other shin-sults. He had to live on the same block as his school and walk the long way around it on the way home every day because he could only turn to the right. And every year for his birthday he would receive a single Argyle sock, and then the other one for Christmas. The doctors were initially at a loss to remedy this dramatic birth defect, and they finally decided that the best they could do was to hide it. So they made him a prosthetic body, complete with head, two arms, and a matching leg the same size as himself. The first version was made of wood, but people kept mistaking him for a Home Depot, so it was eventually upgraded to  more convincing metal parts, complete with sound chips and crude animatronics. The rest is history.

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