Photo of the Day: September 10th, 2009

Started by shmax, September 10, 2009, 02:34:53 AM

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September 10, 2009, 02:34:53 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
[wrap=left:9b6soyp2][thumb small= large= group=potd:9b6soyp2]Here's to honor--get on 'er, and stay on 'er[/thumb:9b6soyp2][/wrap:9b6soyp2]A few days ago, prolific photo-meister Engledogg quietly submitted this photograph of the Wings of Honor box set, without fanfare, amid other shots of random missiles and stray instruction booklets. As a strategy for accumulating photo points for the September Photo Contest, pulling this toy out of the pile ranks up there with knocking over a Toys for Tots van, as the package itself is only the tip of the iceberg.  Sure, much like a KFC family bucket there are indeed wings in there, right and left, but there are also 5 figures (2 photos each), a backpack, a certificate, a claw, a cyber key, another cyber key, a cyber key, a gun, a hammer, one, two, three, four, five sets of instructions, three kinds of missiles, a convention pin, a stack of tech spec cards, left and right arms (each with two forms), and even a comic book. No word on the number of drumsticks inside. Sure, it took two strong nerds to carry the mighty box to the lighty box, but by the time he was done 'ol Ed had squozen 40 photos out of the thing. Well played, Ed, well played. Take a lesson from this, folks--just because you don't have a lot of toys doesn't necessarily mean you can't produce a lot of photos. Just remember this old sailor's warning:

If ye shake the box and hear much noise, then open 'er up and shoot the toys.
But if the box be silent yet, trade 'er for a Devastator set.

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