Repaint/Remold info

Started by shmax, October 25, 2007, 09:44:58 AM

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October 25, 2007, 09:44:58 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by shmax
So I've added a "remold" field to the figures database. I spent a lot of time trying to decide if a figure should be able to have both repaint and remold information (can a figure be both a remold and repaint at the same time), and I ultimately decided to give 'em both, mostly because it was easier to code up, but also because it made a sort of sense to me. See this guy for an example:

Strictly speaking, he's a repaint, but the figure he's based off of is a remold, so I figure this way you're getting the whole story.

Whaddya think?

- shmax


October 25, 2007, 10:32:32 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by tec
looks good to me boss


November 01, 2007, 05:55:55 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by aurax
Ok, this feature alone is worth the price of admission. Quick question: are you using an intermediate "mold id" table, so in the future the user could run a query or check a box or something and find "Molds like this one?" I get all mold-completist on a few things (most recently, E:Arcee & her buildkin). If there's a mold-ID table (instead of just manually pointing to every other similar figure manually a la tfu), I might be able to mothball my hobby project of teaching myself Coldfusion to build a DB that does that sort of thing.

(Yes, all of that was by way of intro as well. I love this thing. Excellent work so far.)


November 01, 2007, 06:02:05 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by shmax
Quote from: "aurax"
Ok, this feature alone is worth the price of admission. Quick question: are you using an intermediate "mold id" table, so in the future the user could run a query or check a box or something and find "Molds like this one?" I get all mold-completist on a few things (most recently, E:Arcee & her buildkin). If there's a mold-ID table (instead of just manually pointing to every other similar figure manually a la tfu), I might be able to mothball my hobby project of teaching myself Coldfusion to build a DB that does that sort of thing.

(Yes, all of that was by way of intro as well. I love this thing. Excellent work so far.)
I see you are wise in the ways of DBs. As a matter of fact each toy only points to a single other toy, but I can still generate a list of shared molds that way. Pseudo statement:
"select all figures that have as a repaint source the repaint source that this figure has". Should be easy enough to rig up--maybe I'll take a crack at it tonight. In the meantime, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site. Think it'll take off in a big way down the line? I have yet to see more than 2 or 3 folks on here at a time...

- shmax


November 01, 2007, 07:48:25 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by aurax
Quote from: "shmax"
I see you are wise in the ways of DBs. As a matter of fact each toy only points to a single other toy, but I can still generate a list of shared molds that way. Pseudo statement:
"select all figures that have as a repaint source the repaint source that this figure has". Should be easy enough to rig up--maybe I'll take a crack at it tonight. In the meantime, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site. Think it'll take off in a big way down the line? I have yet to see more than 2 or 3 folks on here at a time...

- shmax
Man, I hope so. Every TF database out there (including Seibertron's Vector Sigma and TFU) has some critical flaw that prevents it from being completely awesome. Seibs' db focuses more on the characters than the actual figures, and TFU suffers (at least, as near as I can tell) from not having any sort of db backend at all (i.e., it looks like he takes an existing page, copies it, then adjusts the code to point to new pics and such). Don't get me wrong, they're both great resources, but I've been wanting something that's figure-oriented and query-able. This is the first thing I've seen (besides my embryonic CF project) that has that promise. That you're tying in stuff like Hasbro serial numbers makes it easier (at least, in theory) for collectors to pinpoint the items in their collection. I think there are some ways that the UI can be cleaned up, though I love the drill-down idea. But I think you're on the right track by focusing on the code first rather than the glitz.

Also, I love the idea of the sticker. I only became aware of this place because another member, who also frequents Seibertron, had it in their profile. FWIW, there's now two of us over there.


November 01, 2007, 08:09:46 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by shmax
Quote from: "aurax"
Man, I hope so. Every TF database out there (including Seibertron's Vector Sigma and TFU) has some critical flaw that prevents it from being completely awesome. Seibs' db focuses more on the characters than the actual figures, and TFU suffers (at least, as near as I can tell) from not having any sort of db backend at all (i.e., it looks like he takes an existing page, copies it, then adjusts the code to point to new pics and such). Don't get me wrong, they're both great resources, but I've been wanting something that's figure-oriented and query-able. This is the first thing I've seen (besides my embryonic CF project) that has that promise. That you're tying in stuff like Hasbro serial numbers makes it easier (at least, in theory) for collectors to pinpoint the items in their collection. I think there are some ways that the UI can be cleaned up, though I love the drill-down idea. But I think you're on the right track by focusing on the code first rather than the glitz.

Also, I love the idea of the sticker. I only became aware of this place because another member, who also frequents Seibertron, had it in their profile. FWIW, there's now two of us over there.
Sounds like someone gets it! Yes, I had the same impression you did back in the early days when I was mulling this over. I realized that despite the zillions of dedicated transformers sites crowding the 'ol intertubes, none of them were really that slick. There were only one or two that were using a proper database, but they were sort of bedraggled in presentation, and weren't really designed with a proper hierarchy. The rest were, as you say, struggling along with hand-coded html. Even the really fancy sites, like Seibertron, don't make a distinction between packages and figures, so they couldn't really properly track, say, the UPC or product code (because they only have one record per figure, but a figure can come packaged in different ways). This site is my attempt to combine the strengths of them all, ditch their weaknesses, and add my own high-falutin' ideas.

I still don't know if I'm ever going to find a way to make any money out of any this, but for a while I'll be content if I manage to create the best site.

Now, then, about them shared molds--I'm now showing four things for any particular figure:
1. The figure, if any, that he is a repaint OF.
2. The figures, if any, that he has been repainted AS, or, if he is not the source, then SHARED molds.
3. The figure, if any, that he is a remold OF.
4. The figures, if any, that has been remolded AS, or, if he is not the source, then SIMILAR molds.

How's all that sound? Down the road I can fancy-it-up a bit by having a page with remold statistics, such as which toys have been repainted the most, and so on.

- shmax


January 07, 2011, 09:00:33 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
Oh, shmax of November 2007, how quaint your primitive old ideas were. I don't know how I came across this old thread, but it amuses me that I once thought molds were so simple. You still a fan, Aurax?


January 07, 2011, 11:56:42 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
Totally and completely. You've still got the best object-oriented relational approach out there. I haven't been able to spend a lot of time here in the past few months because of RL stuff, but I try to keep my collection stats up to date, at the very least. One of these days I'm going to tackle the list I get of info on figures and packages that I have that still need some TLC, but my Shmax bookmark still lives at the top of my TF folder.

For whatever it's worth, I ended up mothballing that ColdFusion-based thing I had been mapping out oh-so-long ago. My job took me in a different direction (and directly into the belly of SQL Server and the Business Intelligence tools therein), so my own local collection information lives on as an Excel sheet until I get that elusive downtime that lets me build a dev server and play around with some of the XML functionality in SQL Server '08 (which, for my money, is probably one of the more efficient ways of migrating/mirroring data between Shmax proper and something like an iOS or Android app, something I'd pinged the board about a few months back and haven't really given much more thought to in the interim).


January 08, 2011, 04:42:13 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
It lives! Glad to hear you're still around. I'll have to pick your melon once I finally get around to writing some shmax-related Android apps. If you're interested in working on such an app, let me know and maybe we can collaborate on it. I'd forgotten you're a database expert--I probably should have consulted with you back when we were having all those performance problems. Lately another user, Spaceharfang, has been doing a lot of wonderful work in that arena, and things seem to be running pretty smooth. Anyway, I look forward to any data you want to contribute to the site (especially photos).

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