Hi Hellscream, those photos are actually very nice--I would say the lighting is just about perfect, and really the only thing you're missing is the white background. I still recommend making the box over using fabric, however. Any kind of fabric will have texture, and all those little nooks and crannies, however small, will get picked up, especially in a sharp, high-resolution photo like we use here. Or it might be okay, if the fabric you use is really high-grain. But really, a box is the way to go. I made mine from a single piece of foam core, which you can buy from any art or office supply shop for a few bucks. I can fold it up and tuck it away when I'm not using it, and it's also nice because it has sides on it, which block out reflecting light from things like a red bed spread, and you can also clip lights onto them.
It would be awesome if you really got set up and could start contributing photos! You may have noticed the parts database that has cropped up over the last week or so--we're in desperate need of photos for those parts!
Still working on that lightbox thing. Instead of creating a lightbow I think what I'll do is simply buy some white fabric in place of the red I am using in this included shot. The lighting in my house is pretty good so it should do me pretty well. We'll see how it goes.
The red cloth tinted my photo pretty bad. It took some photoshopping to get out and as you can see (maybe you can't but I can) it didn't all come out. so much for night photos... I'm hoping the white cloth and another light source will fix this.
Yeah, yeah... not a TF but it was my first...