Mobile app

Started by Tripredacus, September 14, 2012, 05:53:54 PM

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I know this has been brought up before. BUT, just pointing this out:

It comes up every now and then, and every time I ask what features you guys would like to see, and then the crickets start up. Being a one-man shop, I'm currently pouring all my resources into the website, but if I ever figure out how to get the site profitable I think a mobile app will be a logical next step.


I think a mobile app should not be as full-fledged as the actual website. I can see only needing the following functions.

1. Login
2. View collection
3. Add/remove item from collection (including price, data, condition)
4. Search items

That's probably it. I wouldn't worry about adding the ability to add/modify database items or uploading pictures. Maybe if someone finds an error with a particular entry, there can be a button to report a problem, then have that report go into a queue that the DB mods can check out.

Another consideration is just how fast the app would work. That being said, probably should only use thumbnails for displayable images?

Well those are my thoughts on the subject.


I think a mobile app should not be as full-fledged as the actual website. I can see only needing the following functions.

1. Login
2. View collection
3. Add/remove item from collection (including price, data, condition)
4. Search items

That's probably it. I wouldn't worry about adding the ability to add/modify database items or uploading pictures. Maybe if someone finds an error with a particular entry, there can be a button to report a problem, then have that report go into a queue that the DB mods can check out.

Another consideration is just how fast the app would work. That being said, probably should only use thumbnails for displayable images?

Well those are my thoughts on the subject.

I think that sounds pretty reasonable. I was thinking that it might be kind of nifty to hook up the camera as a bar code reader, so if you just came home with a stack of toys from the store you want to add to your collection, you could just scan each one.


I think a mobile app should not be as full-fledged as the actual website. I can see only needing the following functions.

1. Login
2. View collection
3. Add/remove item from collection (including price, data, condition)
4. Search items

That's probably it. I wouldn't worry about adding the ability to add/modify database items or uploading pictures. Maybe if someone finds an error with a particular entry, there can be a button to report a problem, then have that report go into a queue that the DB mods can check out.

Another consideration is just how fast the app would work. That being said, probably should only use thumbnails for displayable images?

Well those are my thoughts on the subject.

I think that sounds pretty reasonable. I was thinking that it might be kind of nifty to hook up the camera as a bar code reader, so if you just came home with a stack of toys from the store you want to add to your collection, you could just scan each one.

That sounds like an awesome idea.



I think a mobile app should not be as full-fledged as the actual website. I can see only needing the following functions.

1. Login
2. View collection
3. Add/remove item from collection (including price, data, condition)
4. Search items

That's probably it. I wouldn't worry about adding the ability to add/modify database items or uploading pictures. Maybe if someone finds an error with a particular entry, there can be a button to report a problem, then have that report go into a queue that the DB mods can check out.

Another consideration is just how fast the app would work. That being said, probably should only use thumbnails for displayable images?

Well those are my thoughts on the subject.

I think that sounds pretty reasonable. I was thinking that it might be kind of nifty to hook up the camera as a bar code reader, so if you just came home with a stack of toys from the store you want to add to your collection, you could just scan each one.

That sounds like an awesome idea.


By the way, there's nothing stopping you from doing this now with the website--you can get a cheeseball bar code reader for about $20-40, and simply scan the codes directly into the search field up top. The UPC codes are indexed for search.


September 26, 2012, 07:24:24 AM Last Edit: September 26, 2012, 08:00:50 AM by tusko
Moving to scary land.... the mobile ap could also give push notification of locations for sitings.

I know this is a collection website, but I think a toy sighting feature would bring lots of trafic.
I use the regional toy sitings, like the Ontario boards on so maybe something 100km of a set location in one's profile?

But a bar code reader coupled with the GPS location could be something novel and bring more traffic here.  Adding or subtracting to the collection is something I do once per item.... purusing for more additions to the collection is something I do monthly (weekly).


I think a mobile app should not be as full-fledged as the actual website. I can see only needing the following functions.

1. Login
2. View collection
3. Add/remove item from collection (including price, data, condition)
4. Search items

That's probably it. I wouldn't worry about adding the ability to add/modify database items or uploading pictures. Maybe if someone finds an error with a particular entry, there can be a button to report a problem, then have that report go into a queue that the DB mods can check out.

Another consideration is just how fast the app would work. That being said, probably should only use thumbnails for displayable images?

Well those are my thoughts on the subject.

I agree with all of that but think the wishlist should be in there too. Its what I use the most "out in the field"

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