See valuation percentage?

Started by Tripredacus, October 23, 2012, 09:04:13 AM

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I was asked yesterday what the ballpark figure on my collection value was. I said that while I do have photos of everything in various places and my collection tracked here and what the value on the collection page says. I know for a fact that not all of my collection has a value assigned to it, and I would wager that its probably less than half.

Is there a way to find out what percentage of items entered into my collection has a value assigned? For example it could say: "$8511.30 (approx 30% valued)" or something?


I was asked yesterday what the ballpark figure on my collection value was. I said that while I do have photos of everything in various places and my collection tracked here and what the value on the collection page says. I know for a fact that not all of my collection has a value assigned to it, and I would wager that its probably less than half.

Is there a way to find out what percentage of items entered into my collection has a value assigned? For example it could say: "$8511.30 (approx 30% valued)" or something?

Sorry, I know the appraisal feature is still pretty lame, what with all the sparse eBay data and whatnot. I've got a vague plan to fix this, involving falling back to averaged member 'price paid' data, and if that fails, then the price you paid for your own item. I've been dreading the work because I have to solve a lot of nasty problems involving international currency conversion, but I think it'll happen within the next several months. Hang in there!


Can you just leave purchases in their native currencies?
Canadian funds in Canadian, US funds in US dollars, Japanese in Yen...

So then Tusko's collection is worth $10Cdn+$5US+$2Jpn?
Its up to Tusko to do the conversions then.


Can you just leave purchases in their native currencies?
Canadian funds in Canadian, US funds in US dollars, Japanese in Yen...

So then Tusko's collection is worth $10Cdn+$5US+$2Jpn?
Its up to Tusko to do the conversions then.

That sounds more difficult than just doing the conversions. Don't worry, I'll figure it out. Actually, the hardest part is complaining about it, and I've just about got that out of the way, so the rest shouldn't be too bad. Just a matter of making the time.


So I got up early this morning, and before my head cleared enough to realize what I was doing, I wrote a currency conversion mechanism for the site. I used Yahoo's finance API. So now, at long last, there's nothing stopping me from finishing the appraisal system upgrade I've been yapping about for years... except of course Assassin's Creed III.


See that's awesome!
I wake up in the morning.... but my head never clears.

What's it like?


What's it like?

Assassin's Creed?! So far it's awesome.


What's it like?

Assassin's Creed?! So far it's awesome.

I think he wants to know what its like to have your head clear. I can't answer that one lol.

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