Whoa, when did we decide not to add mold variations to the database? Something like stampings are likely overkill (to some), but gun variants are certainly not. If we can nail down concrete information on variants, especially being able to match up figures and accessories, I'm all for that.
Ah well, maybe that was meant just for package variations (the reason why I didn't add my Portugese Wideload)...
Anyways, there are a few G1 Prowls, they are laid out pretty well on Fredsworkshop. Then there are (technically) multiple versions of Twin Twist's guns, but not Twin Twist toy itself.
And in addition, something I have to take pics of, but I was looking at G1 Perceptor on Fredsworkshop and they have 2 stamping versions there. Well I have a third one. I'll put a thread on TFW about it in the next couple days with that question.
The problem (maybe) is that these molding changes, especially the pre-rub Prowl, etc, did not get rev changes on the assortment numbers, etc.