European Universe Stormcloud

Started by Hellspawn, January 02, 2013, 09:40:30 AM

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I know, not exactly a new Transformer. It's in the database released in the USA and Canada. I stumbled across one today. in the Netherlands. Europe. In a multi language box containing almost all European languages. I made some pics to prove it. Since i'm not having a decent camera with lighting setup it's going to be phone cam pics. Sorry about that. That's why I'm not taking pics for the database.

What to do with it? Open it? Let it MISB? Add it to the database? I really don't know if it was ever officially released in Europe.


Definitely add it to the database.  :)  Here's the category it should go under:

Taking a look at European Universe (2008) as a whole:

As you can see, the section is a bit lacking - sometimes, we just don't know what was released (and what wasn't).  We do, of course, try to get as much as info by scouring the Internet concerning Euro releases, but sometimes, there just isn't that much info out there and products slip past our radar.  Therefore, in cases like this, we must rely on the shmax users to provide such information.

Having said that, any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Well, I'm surprised to hear/see me say this but definatlly DO NOT OPEN it until we can find out more about it. If was never issued you may be sitting on plastic/diecast gold.

Speaking of.. I seem to be hearing/seeing alot about unreleased items (not just TFs) over the past couple of months. Seems to be a trend or something. I also can't help but notice that patterns and trends happen alot....

An example might do better at explaining.

I'll get a random thought one day, say, I've been thinking about my childhood snoopy snow cone machine for no particular reason and then out of the blue a few weeks to a month later I'll start hearing about them re-issuing it. or making a SSCM movie or something.

Does anyone else have this happen? It happens to me alot. I wish I could capitalize on this but I never know what the 'premminition ' is until it rears its head. I simply cant afford to toss money at every thought that crosses my brain.

But it's made me pretty good at spotting trends early on, just not early enough IMH.

That being said, keeps your peepers open peoples. It sure seems that alot of these unreleased items surfacing lately. Then again maybe I'm just insane and none of you even exist. You just never know when something is more than meets the eye.


Well, I had a Human Alliance Bumblebee (first issue, the movie colored one) from the same store 2 years ago with the same thing. European text on the back of the box!! I still have that box lying around somewere. The toy I took out and transformed once. I was and still am so happy with that one. So I was a bit confused when that one didn't show up in the European section of the HA figures.


January 02, 2013, 11:40:26 AM Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 11:44:00 AM by engledogg
He was definitely released (, so don't think about retiring early just quite yet.  :)

Well, I had a Human Alliance Bumblebee (first issue, the movie colored one) from the same store 2 years ago with the same thing. European text on the back of the box!! I still have that box lying around somewere. The toy I took out and transformed once. I was and still am so happy with that one. So I was a bit confused when that one didn't show up in the European section of the HA figures.

Like I said, there are some items that we're missing on shmax that were surely released, but for whatever reason, we just don't have them in the database.  Feel free to add away.

I also had a Snoopy Sno Cone machine...that thing rocked.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Well, I had a Human Alliance Bumblebee (first issue, the movie colored one) from the same store 2 years ago with the same thing. European text on the back of the box!! I still have that box lying around somewere. The toy I took out and transformed once. I was and still am so happy with that one. So I was a bit confused when that one didn't show up in the European section of the HA figures.

I'm sure the mods will tell you that the DB is full of holes so you're not always going find things. That's why they like us to submit stuff then they'll verify it. I really love how we here are kind of all a part of because of that feature. It is what makes us truly a community.


January 02, 2013, 02:14:19 PM Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 02:18:12 PM by engledogg
One thing I do want to mention...if you submit a new product and it is approved, double-check to see if we already have the parts/figures in the the database before attempting to fill in the contents of the product with new parts.

For something like the Euro Stormcloud, a product that contains parts that already exist in the database, you don't need to create a new Stormcloud figure.  You just need to link the existing part/figure to your new package.

To double-check the database, just do a search for something like "Universe Stormcloud".  If we have it in the database under other countries, you can use that information to fill in the product you just created.

Here are the results of that search:

You would go to the mod page for the existing Stormcloud figure ( and submit the new product information there (at the bottom of the screen, under the "Which product(s) contain this part?" section) by selecting country, the toyline, etc.

For something like your Euro Human Alliance Bumblebee, I'll talk you through it.  You would create the product record here:

Once you have your submission approved, then do a search for something like "human alliance bumblebee revenge" to get to this results page:

Out of these, choose something like:

and then click on each of the parts you would like to add to the new HA Bumblebee record you created.  Once you're on each part's record, that is where you can assign these parts to your new product record.  In this case, I chose the Bumblebee figure:

Click the "Modify Bumblebee" link to open up the modify page.

Once there, immediately scroll down to the bottom of the page to the "Which product(s) contain this part?" section (you don't need to modify any of the existing information, so shoot straight down to the bottom of the page) to link this part to by choosing the country, line, subline, etc. to find the product you just created.  Once you've found it, put a 1 in the box.  This will add it to the new product.  Repeat for the rest of the parts.  Don't worry if you mess up, a mod can always fix up mistakes.

It sounds a bit complicated, when you see it written out like this, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty simple.  :)

Alternatively, if you're not concerned with moving these parts and are happy just submitting product records, don't worry.  Mods have a tool that makes it possible to copy the contents of existing products quickly and painlessly.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


January 02, 2013, 03:04:40 PM Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 07:13:16 AM by Hellspawn
I'm really new to this, so thanks for the small FAQ about entering new database entries. I'll read up on those tomorrow. It's late here in the Netherlands, so I'm going to sign off for today.


I think we need some youtube tutorials :)
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


January 06, 2013, 07:16:08 AM Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 07:39:25 AM by engledogg
Mystery solved??

Yep, back in the 5th post.  ;)

Good to know about Silverbolt, though.

Like I said before, any helpful Europeans (or anyone else, for that matter) are more than welcome to start filling in the holes...

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.

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