The release country for Ultimate Fire should be changed to Hong Kong (they're based in HK), since it's a RobotKingdom exclusive, but yes, there are a few rare instances where the currency mismatch would occur...perhaps an override function could be created? Ideally, I'd be for such a function, but if it were to significantly delay toyline expansion...not so much. Having said that...
Looking at the state of our 3rd party categories in general, I see countries of release ranging from Hong Kong to Canada to the United States, even within the same 3rd party category...I almost want to say that we should either:
a) default all 3rd party products (with the exception of items that ARE exclusive to certain countries/stores, like the one Wajo mentioned above) to the United States (as it seems most people that buy these items are likely based in the U.S., or at the very least, most of the stock ends up in U.S.-based secondary market outlets or, in the case of RK, non-U.S. stores that charge in USD).
b) somehow come up with a "worldwide" option, since 99% of these things don't seem to be country-specific, or at least we (and other sites) don't really seem to consider the actual country of production or the location of the 3rd party company as the official country of release. These items tend to be sold at the secondary-market level and, for the most part, we list them as such, using BBTS "release dates" and prices as official release dates and MSRPs I mean, where is FansProject based out of? Or Dr. Wu? I sure as heck don't know.
These types of items don't really follow the model that we use for official items, in that many do not have distinct venues, countries of release, official release dates, etc....they are made, ordered by secondary-market stores, and just sort of "show up" and then we go from there.