Unlicensed 3rd Party Products.

Started by Antron007, January 30, 2013, 10:57:25 AM

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Hey everyone,
I acquired a WST Optimus Prime from Heero Toys Maker (heerotoys.com) and I see they are not in the DB anywhere. I did a bunch of research before buying it and although they are not officially licensed they do seem to have the respect of the TF collectors community.

I added the product and new category 3rd Party Unlicensed. I'm just petitioning to see it get added. I'm sure there are a few Unofficial products out there that are of good quality as opposed to cheap crappy knock-offs.     

What are everybodys thoughts on adding this category? Maybe even a flat out Knock-Off category as well?
Also, how would this affect the rest of the system? Like appraisal? Total molds - technically knock-offs do not use actual TF molds, but recreate them so would those be new molds to the system?  could we exclude Un-Os and KO's from the rest of the DBs functions and just have them for list keeping purposes?

I'd like to toss this into the discussion ring and get others thoughts to see if maybe shmax will  add that/those.

Thanks to you all


January 30, 2013, 01:12:51 PM Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 02:31:01 PM by engledogg
Knockoffs, in my opinion, don't have any place on this site.

With the Heero "WST" figures, he's clearly using existing molds (and when I say molds, I don't mean the actual manufacturing molds, I mean he's reverse-engineering them/creating his own molds using a hardcopy toy) and creating his own products.  For example, from the Takara Smallest Lambor mold, he cranked out his own versions of Lambor (with weapons), Alert (with weapons), Breakdown, G2 Breakdown, Tigertrack, and Deep Cover (maybe others?  G2 Sideswipe, Clamp Down?)...while some of them may be sorta awesome, they're still created via blatant IP theft.  Not only is he using a HasTak mold as the basis of his figures, he's creating his own figures in color schemes meant to be other HasTak characters.

And, yes, the same (IP infringement) can be argued of most "3rd party" items, to a lesser degree...we all know that Warbot Defender is clearly meant to be Springer.  I'm not a huge fan of 3rd party products myself, but at least most (with some exceptions) are original designs that are meant to homage HasTak IP and don't downright steal/reverse engineer the molds.

And Heero's even on the "better" side of what's happening in the knockoff world...you also have those asshats that make those "pretty darn close, so close that if you didn't know what to look for, you'd swear they were legit G1 Transformers" figures.  Stuff like the "reissue" (be careful when eBay sellers use that term to describe these things) Dinobots, the G1 gestalt gift sets, the Mini-Bots, the Autobot Cars, and so on...basically, everything you see in the counterfeit areas here:


I've read too many horror stories of people being duped, spending hundreds of dollars on these kinds of knockoffs, thinking they are legit.  And like I alluded to earlier, if sites like highendtfs weren't around pointing out the (sometimes very subtle) differences between the real deal and the KOs, these guys would thrive even more.  These types of toys are detrimental to the hobby as they are intentionally created to look very much like the legit original versions...even reproducing the boxes and box art.  And they're getting better...the G1 Devastator gift set box has undergone a number of revisions, getting even closer to the original Hasbro one in appearance each time.

People can feel the way they want to about these types of toys...some love them, some hate them.  Personally, I just don't feel that they warrant inclusion on the site.  If we were to accept some, but reject others, where do we draw the line?  Someone may argue that the 99 cent KO Constructicon figure that they found at Big Lots has just as much right to be included on the site as the Heero toys, even though the former will disintegrate into shards of plastic if you look at it wrong.  It's easiest to just exclude them all as they're all sort of painted with the same brush, broad or otherwise.

I don't know, maybe down the line, we could feature a knockoff section, like you mentioned, and limit these types of items to those categories.  However, I'd much rather see expansion to legit toylines occur first...

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


KOs are too wide and varied to really be used here. Even those combiner sets mentioned originally came out in the Korean "Big Together" sets have been KOed into the ones you see at Big Lots, etc. There is no real ownership to the products like the ones in the DB already. Some KOs don't even have any sort of brand on them! I think this DB started at the brand level, be it Hasbro, Takara, Sonokong, Dr Wu, whatever. Its way to complicated when you start adding in KOs, especially when you can have one of those yellow Constructicons that has been released under in 10 different cardbacks/sets.

Unfortunately, KOs are really niche and there isn't any good resource on them. I tried making one a long time ago and I can tell you it is really tedious!


I am well aware of how the heero toys have come about but with their popularity and acceptance among collectors, (based on the fact that the major fan sites seem to keep up on them like they do with hastak or justitoys or headrobots)  and I am aware that those others are either original molds or supposed to be licensed. But why would things like FansProject be in the DB? They are not even Transformers brand items. Some of those could be considered KO's.

Are all of the brands listed in 3rd party category licensed or officially endorsed by HasTak or did they just earn respect and acceptance through the community? I'm asking because I honestly don't know. I've just see the names on all of the sites and noticed them in the DB but until recently I had no interest in anything that didn't say Hasbro or Takara on it. They were KO's to me. With the fanfare about heerotoys I was surprised that they weren't in the list.

If fans determine the value ultimately, then ultimately it is fans/collectors who determine what consists of a qualifying product and it would appear that fans/collectors seem to hold heerotoys in high regard.

I do agree with you guys about the re-issue and other scams. It does suck and I hate it as much as anyone but heerotoys makes no claims, and goes out of the way from what I've seen, to state that they are made. Now some people may be selling theirs as official products either trough ignorance or illicit intent  but that isn't heero's fault. Also if they were overstepping their bounds with IP, well we all know Hasbro isn't ever afraid to lawyer up and go after someone.

And I picked up a glowing optimus and would like to add it to my collection. Sure I can just DL my collection and add it manually for my own personal wants but I'll be honest, that's the biggest reason I brought it up.

Thanks again for your input.   


January 30, 2013, 08:20:52 PM Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 08:33:36 PM by engledogg

I am well aware of how the heero toys have come about but with their popularity and acceptance among collectors, (based on the fact that the major fan sites seem to keep up on them like they do with hastak or justitoys or headrobots)  and I am aware that those others are either original molds or supposed to be licensed. But why would things like FansProject be in the DB? They are not even Transformers brand items. Some of those could be considered KO's.

Neither "3rd party" (the kind we're talking about, anyway) nor knockoffs are Transformers brand items...with that said, there's a big difference between "3rd party" and knockoffs.

Like I mentioned before, most of the 3rd party stuff that we cover on here are unique designs.  Sure, they're based on Hasbro intellectual property, but at least they're unique designs. 

FansProject Code is meant to be Chromedome - we all know that.  However, they didn't simply take the existing HasTak G1 Chromedome mold/toy and use it.  They created their own new design/mold...one meant to evoke the image of Chromedome, all the while using their own design to get that image across.

3rd party items can also enhance existing HasTak items...something like the City Commander set comes to mind.

Knockoffs, however, blatantly use existing Hasbro molds/designs. 

If you think about it, the more like an official Transformers product an unlicensed toy is, the "worse" (in terms of our discussion) it is.  That didn't come out quite right, but if you compare Warbot Defender, which evokes the image of G1 Springer through a unique non-HasTak design, to a knockoff Springer, which is a complete theft of IP, which one is shadier?  The KO Springer, obviously.

When discussing knockoffs and 3rd party toys, sometimes the verbiage becomes a little convoluted.  Both are forms of IP infringement - with 3rd party toys merely infringing upon it and knockoffs blatantly stealing it...big difference.  It gets even worse, there is even a knockoff of the FansProject City Commander! 

Are all of the brands listed in 3rd party category licensed or officially endorsed by HasTak or did they just earn respect and acceptance through the community? I'm asking because I honestly don't know. I've just see the names on all of the sites and noticed them in the DB but until recently I had no interest in anything that didn't say Hasbro or Takara on it. They were KO's to me. With the fanfare about heerotoys I was surprised that they weren't in the list.

The third party products we're talking about aren't endorsed or licensed by Hasbro...however, there are plenty of third party products that are - stuff like the G1 reissue keychains or the ROTF transforming watches are licensed third party products:


Basically, items that Hasbro licensed for production by a company other than Hasbro.

There's not all that much fanfare about heerotoys...he puts out some rather cool products, and people recognize that, but he's nowhere near the level of gushing that a company like TFC Toys receives. :)

The reason that 3rd party items are on the site was due to fan interest/demand...originally, we had only officially-licensed Transformers items on the site, and that was it.  It took some convincing to finally include these items on the site; I wasn't a fan of it, but I could see that's where we were heading. 

I should mention (in case it is causing any confusion) that the reason why the unlicensed 3rd party products are found under the Transformers category was that people were clamoring for them and, at the time, we had no alternative but to place them under the Transformers category, as that is how the site was (and still is) set up.  You'll also find that Gobots and Battleship(!) Kre-O products are also found under the TF banner...

Once toyline expansion occurs, these 3rd party products (and all non-Transformers toylines) will be moved to their own dedicated category and will not be included under the Transformers umbrella anymore.

If fans determine the value ultimately, then ultimately it is fans/collectors who determine what consists of a qualifying product and it would appear that fans/collectors seem to hold heerotoys in high regard.

No, really, it isn't...not for this site, anyway.  Sure, people think his stuff is cool, but that doesn't matter, it's IP theft.  There are also other reasons why they're not included - mostly what tripredacus stated earlier, in addition to other things.

I do agree with you guys about the re-issue and other scams. It does suck and I hate it as much as anyone but heerotoys makes no claims, and goes out of the way from what I've seen, to state that they are made. Now some people may be selling theirs as official products either trough ignorance or illicit intent  but that isn't heero's fault. Also if they were overstepping their bounds with IP, well we all know Hasbro isn't ever afraid to lawyer up and go after someone.

It doesn't matter if sellers try to pass them off as originals or not - that's irrelevant.  Like I said, heero blatantly uses HasTak existing molds as the basis for his products and he makes money from it...as do all the other knockoff-artists.  He may say, "Hey, I want everyone to realize that these aren't meant to be sold as official HasTak toys", but he still sells them as his own creations - creations which directly infringe upon/steal HasTak IP. 

Let's say I'm able recreate the Universe Sideswipe mold, create a thousand or so of them in my garage, and I release them in a variety of colors, including two that look a lot like Deep Cover and BotCon G2 Breakdown, and I charge $40 each.  I can say "I'm not selling these as original Transformers, they're my own creations" until I'm blue in the face, and it would be obvious in the case of Deep Cover since no official Deep Covers were officially released using the Universe Sideswipe mold, but that doesn't absolve me of the fact that I used HasTak's property for my own gain.  The mere fact that I used someone else's product and/or idea and passed it off as my own makes me a thief.  And, in fact, that's just what someone has done:

In many ways, these guys are no different than heero.

And I picked up a glowing optimus and would like to add it to my collection. Sure I can just DL my collection and add it manually for my own personal wants but I'll be honest, that's the biggest reason I brought it up.

Thanks again for your input.   

Understood...but knockoffs, which includes heero's items, are a much different story than 3rd party items.  Like I mentioned in my earlier post, perhaps one day we'll have some sort of category to cover knockoffs...maybe not, I have no idea.  In addition, for reasons tripredacus mentioned in his post, logistically, there's just too much to consider to make it worthwhile to cover them in depth.  And like I said before, we can't pick and choose which ones we cover...we either cover all of them, or none of them.  Just like the lowliest Happy Meal toy counts as an official toy just as much as Fortress Maximus does, the dollar store KO that looks like it is made out of candle wax would count as a KO as much as the highest quality G1 Dinobot KO.

Like you, I also own a few of heero's toys - the jet recolors.  Glow-in-dark ones, G2 Ramjet, G2 Starscream, etc.  I picked them up cheap a few years back, and while they are cool little toys, I realize what they are and understand why they're not covered on the site.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Thank you for the extra details. I see the distinction clearer now.  And thanks for the highend link ;-)


I think the only thing that goes against what Engledogg regarding "unique designs" is the fact that some of the iGear KOs (Seekers and Fair Leader) are in the database.


Yep, that's why I said this:

I'm not a huge fan of 3rd party products myself, but at least most (with some exceptions) are original designs that are meant to homage HasTak IP and don't downright steal/reverse engineer the molds.

Believe me...I didn't want them here, either. :)

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


So E,
Let me ask this. If there are  few exceptions and, you own some heero toys and, I've got one coming and to be honest if the quality is as good as I've read across the net then I'll probably get more, (You could probably buy one of everything he's done for $300-$400. I haven't done the math but his most expensive pieces are $25), Then could heero be included. And if heero does ever get included can we see that it gets an UnLi-3rdP category?

How many users would have to request them before they get added. Like I said I'm only requesting because I got one. If enough people own them would they get included?

If not that's cool and I'll drop it from here but thanks for all of the info regarding knock offs and that highend link. I was looking it over then saw a KO cassette set going for $169. No bids, thank god, but still.

What's the protocol for that anyway? Would I contact eBay or the seller and ask him if he knows it's fake? It is possible that the seller isn't aware. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Hope for humanity, if you will?

Thanks again for all the info. You guys are always awesome.


January 31, 2013, 04:21:18 PM Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 05:48:07 PM by engledogg

So E,
Let me ask this. If there are  few exceptions and, you own some heero toys and, I've got one coming and to be honest if the quality is as good as I've read across the net then I'll probably get more, (You could probably buy one of everything he's done for $300-$400. I haven't done the math but his most expensive pieces are $25), Then could heero be included. And if heero does ever get included can we see that it gets an UnLi-3rdP category?

The exceptions I'm speaking of number in the low double-digits of the nearly 500 3rd party products we include on the site.  They are most assuredly a minority on the site but, for whatever reason, they were included...at that time. 

Just because heero's stuff is cheap, I like them, you like them, and others may like them - that doesn't really warrant inclusion on the site...not as the site stands currently, anyway.  Like I said, down the road, who knows - but for now, not at this time.

Speaking of heero's toys quality...yeah, they're pretty good.  But, you've got to keep in mind that they're still  knockoffs of the legit Takara Smallest Transformers, which, comparatively speaking with regard to larger toys, aren't that high of quality to begin with. 

I'm not saying that as a knock against either of the manufacturers, it's just that they're really small, and you can only do so much with such tiny subject matter.  For what both heero and Takara do, accounting for the limitations of the toys themselves, then, yes, they're pretty good quality for what they are.

If not that's cool and I'll drop it from here but thanks for all of the info regarding knock offs and that highend link. I was looking it over then saw a KO cassette set going for $169. No bids, thank god, but still.

What's the protocol for that anyway? Would I contact eBay or the seller and ask him if he knows it's fake? It is possible that the seller isn't aware. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Hope for humanity, if you will?

Thanks again for all the info. You guys are always awesome.

Yeah, it's possible that the seller isn't aware...but if he's selling, what I'm assuming to be a pair of the Dino Cassettes for $169 when the real deal pair costs close to $1K (if not more), I think he knows that they're not legit, even if he doesn't come out and say so.  :)

I suppose it couldn't hurt to ask the seller - the worst he could do would be to flip out and ban you from bidding on his auctions.  :)

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


I'm under the impression that more people are buying iGear KOs than the Heero stuff. That is a consideration at least.


Cool, I'll let it rest. I just wanted to give one last plea the the jury :). I'll look at the iGear itmes. I'm still stoked about getting a mini-glow-in-the-dark OP. Trailer, roller and all.  Do you have a heero OP Engeldog? I was just wondering if the trailer launched roller. I was sad that the new TRU MP Prime's trailer had not had that or the firing missles. It's still awesome.

Anyways thanks again for all of your guys' input. You've definitely saved me from some future mistakes. I knew heero wasn't technically "legit" but the horror I've seen on ebay and didn't realize. OMG! That is strait up falsification and fraud. I can't thank you enough for the info. I'm glad I do %99 of my shopping at storefronts. I've just recently stepped into the ebay/internet ring. I really do prefer physical inspection. (That's the main reason never to get a mail order bride, LOL)

Till next time ;-)


Cool, I'll let it rest. I just wanted to give one last plea the the jury :). I'll look at the iGear itmes. I'm still stoked about getting a mini-glow-in-the-dark OP. Trailer, roller and all.  Do you have a heero OP Engeldog? I was just wondering if the trailer launched roller.

I have the clear blue WST Op. There is no mechanics in the trailer. Roller just kinda sits in there. It doesn't even have "wheels" they are just molded.


Cool, I'll let it rest. I just wanted to give one last plea the the jury :). I'll look at the iGear itmes. I'm still stoked about getting a mini-glow-in-the-dark OP. Trailer, roller and all.  Do you have a heero OP Engeldog? I was just wondering if the trailer launched roller.

I have the clear blue WST Op. There is no mechanics in the trailer. Roller just kinda sits in there. It doesn't even have "wheels" they are just molded.

Heero's new trailers all have what he's calling battle stands, the cockpit in the trailer lifts now. I've seen the older ones that are just flat. He also sells just the "Battle stands" (rising cp, roller and 2 guns in the set, he has no trans blue on his site at all now).
The new ones even look like they may even launch. I can't confirm that yet but the in the pics of the old ones it looks cocked and the new ones look launched or extended.

I could try to elaborate further but it's best you just take a look at www.heerotoys.com. Most Items have a decent amount of pics.

Does it look like the base of the cpit is possibly detachable? I'm just wondering because if he is selling the stands how would you mount them into the trailers?

I think the rollers are still molded wheels though.

Thanks for the info Trip


Its possible the separate battle standss are designed to fit on the original trailers?

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