Beast Wars Europe Toyline

Started by duvanr, March 06, 2013, 06:21:20 AM

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Looking at the list on this line = wanted please we stopped by other lines of toys that came out in Italy (Biocombat) and France (Ani Mutants) with their names for their countries. Searching the net I see they have left the UK or have some sort of justification we can discuss to unify is ben.



I see in your link that neither the terms AniMutant nor BioCombat show up in that view. It would be helpful for searching!

Also, those two series use multiple names, but none of the listing show them, just the primary English name. This is unlike how we have the Canadian toys, which have both names shown.


March 06, 2013, 08:10:26 AM Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 08:12:33 AM by engledogg
Yes...eventually, everything will be listed properly.

I don't think the Airazor/Falcon (Canadian-style) format is the best (visually), and might actually be hindering eBay searches, so we'll likely have to come up with something better.  I don't know...maybe the alternate names in parentheses?

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


You right, the "original" name should be in perentesis to facility the read.


I see in your link that neither the terms AniMutant nor BioCombat show up in that view. It would be helpful for searching!

Yes, it would be helpful, but the way we currently have the European Beast Wars category doesn't really allow for the inclusion of those names. 

If we were to rename the category "Beast Wars (Biocombat)", there's no place for Animutants and since the category covers all of Europe, we'd be improperly assigning the Biocombat term to all of Europe, even though they were only released in certain countries...if we were to rename it "Beast Wars (Animutants), then Biocombat is left out and we'd have the same problems we did with Biocombat.

If we were to include both in the category title: "Beast Wars (Animutants/Biocombat)", then the user can't really differentiate between the two (a search for Animutants would also turn up Biocombat), and we're sorta back to square one.

The only remaining solution would be to divide the Beast Wars category up...make an Animutants subcategory and a Biocombat subcategory under Beast Wars.  However, that also necessitates creating a copy of the existing child categories found under the Beast Wars category and applying it to the other new subcategory, which might be a bit too redundant at this point.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


You right, the "original" name should be in perentesis to facility the read.

Please hold off on doing any name changes.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


If we were to rename the category "Beast Wars (Biocombat)", there's no place for Animutants and since the category covers all of Europe

Ani Mutants were made in France and Biocombat were made in Italy. The fact they were available in other countries doesn't matter, since no other toys that are in the database are getting such special treatment. For example:

US Armada
Mexican G1
Classic UK Throttlebots


If we were to rename the category "Beast Wars (Biocombat)", there's no place for Animutants and since the category covers all of Europe

Ani Mutants were made in France and Biocombat were made in Italy. The fact they were available in other countries doesn't matter, since no other toys that are in the database are getting such special treatment. For example:

US Armada
Mexican G1
Classic UK Throttlebots

I think the simplest (short-term) solution is to just put "(Animutants packaging)" or "(Biocombat packaging)" in the title of the applicable packages.  A search for either term should get accurate results.

If I'm not mistaken, at some point in the future, the toyline country categories will eventually go away, and a different way to organize the info will exist, one which is generated by the release information of each product.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.

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