As a matter of fact, I agree with you on the "MISB/MIB" stuff. How about if I just change it to "Graded", "Sealed", "Opened", and "Loose", and leave it at that? And we don't currently have the ability to assign conditions to parts, but I did deliberately design the database layout to support this if desired. So it wouldn't be too tough to add under the hood, but I worry that the UI would get a little cluttered with dozens of little drop-downs for each part (combiner giftsets, ugh). But I'll consider this a vote for it--you're the first to bring it up.
And yes, the purchased year defaults to the year of release.
Well that still doesn't specify whether you own the packaging or not if you own it loose. I don't know if you want to list the packaging as an item along with instructions, or make it a unique part of the product where it's only kept track of through the condition pull-down so that you replace "loose" with "loose - with packaging" and "loose - no packaging". I would guess it would make more sense to add another boolean part. ... except then you would have to have it checked and un-toggle-able when you pick anything other than "loose" for condition, so it's a bit redundant in all but ONE case. :> I suppose if you did add a boolean for "packaging" part, it would just be dependent on condition in most cases.
I wasn't really pushing for the condition of parts. I just thought of it is all. For me personally, it's probably easier to just include in the notes. I think the only person this would matter for is 1) resellers with massive inventories (pay up, guys!), or 2) museums with massive inventories. (who'd basically be using it to keep track of accessories that are inferior and need replacing)
Also, the year purchased...
I'm guessing it's referencing another uneditable variable for the year it was released. Could you add an "unknown" or blank default (month and day have blank defaults) for "year purchased", and just grey-out (be un-selectable) the years before the year of release?
I'd argue for this because currently unless you specify a month and/or day, you can't tell which figures you've specified a purchase year for, and which are just on their defaults. Although I think that's not as serious as I make it out to be. I imagine you would specify a month when you do select your own purchase year, and then there's no confusion. So, yeah. Again, it's pretty minor.