Hey first post, nice place.
I keep trying to add stuff to my collection and so far I've gotten errors on every figure. I tried the little Spychanger Jazz but I don't know exactly what model car he is so I put Sports car. And then when I went to submit I got an error.
So I went over to Henkei Grimlock and put it all the info then at the bottom I get to what region and I put Japan, Henkei, Cybertron, then another little box opens up and none of the options are for Grimlock, I hit submit anyway and I get this:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /nfs/c01/h06/mnt/44139/domains/shmax.com/html/mode/transformers/TrDatabase.class.php5 on line 925: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /nfs/c01/h06/mnt/44139/domains/shmax.com/html/classes/widgets/RecordLinkWidget.class.php5 on line 237: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Fatal error! Please post the URL you were trying to view along with a short description of how to reproduce the problem in the forums.
So now I'm 2 for 2. None of the figures are going in. Do I really need to know exactly every little piece of information on each figure I own before I can build my database of my collection? I can't just say "Henkei Grimlock" and submit it and have it in my database. And do I need to take pictures of everyone of my figures? I really am very excited to finally have a database of my collection, hell I'm curious just to know how many I've actually got since I never counted them, but this is....getting frustrating and not very user friendly. I'm beginning to feel like I need to be an expert on each individual figure before I'm going to be able to make this work.
I mean I've got a stack of cardbacks like 6-8 inches high and I would think it would be easy to use those for the info to put in this database, but so far it's not working. And the thought of going through all these cardbacks and none of it working is kind of depressing.
Thanks for your time.
Edit: I've started adding them as 'Package' instead of 'figure' though none of my stuff is MISB, it's all MIB. But I think it's working, not sure yet. Seems like Jazz took since I didn't get any errors, but I still don't see him showing up in the collection. And really knowing what year all these figures were released is going to be hard. I'm really hoping this doesn't turn out to be more trouble then it's worth. I just can't believe people are supposed to know every little detail about a figure like this. Not trying to whine but jeez, I just wanted to input names, factions, mold size (deluxe, voyager, etc.) line (animated, universe) and have this all be relatively easy. So far it's really not, and with no 'Help' of 'FAQ' sections anywhere that I can see, I'm really kind of floundering here.
Edit: Well I've added legends/spychanger Autobot Jazz, Henkei Grimlock, and Hasbro Universe Cyclonus *(which doesn't have a UPC btw) and so far none of this seems to be showing up. It'll say "added" after I click submit, but my collection still shows zero entries. I think I'm gonna give up for the night, this is just getting really frustrating.