Sounds good, guys. I have a few comments to add on "overrides". First, make sure that your override still gives some notion of what the form is. So instead of just Ground Assault Mode, try "Ground Assault Mode" Tank. I think a good convention is to use quotes any time we're borrowing a sort of funky descriptor from the packaging or manual for a toy. Second, be careful about using those descriptors from the packaging/manual. Any override you choose should be versatile enough to be appropriate for all toys that share that mold. Let's say for example that they decide to reissue Optimal Optimus for the next movie, but instead of "Ground Assault Mode", they decide to call it "Michael Bay Mode". Then they'd have made liars out of us. Or consider the Japanese version of each toy--they may well use an entirely different name for this attack mode. I can see the appeal of wanting to use the package/manual terminology, so we can also consider some technical solutions. Two options spring to mind right away:
1. Decouple the override from the mold/form syncing, meaning that any changes you make to the override would not get shared among all parts that use that mold. Then you could make each one specific.
2. Add a super specific second override that overrides the override, if you will. The first override would get shared around, the second override wouldn't. If the second override is set for a toy, then that gets used instead of the first override.