3rd Party Parts Records for Figures

Started by Hellscream333, January 29, 2012, 04:48:29 AM

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1st off, I apologize of this has been covered but I could not find a thread containing said info and the 3rd party addition to records happened in my absence. Last I was here it was just something we were mulling over.

Some third party products don't exactly give their included accessories names. In these cases how are we handling the naming of said parts? Do we just fall back on the system we already have in place?

Where do we draw the line between KO and 3rd party?
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The general consensus we've come to is that if a product doesn't have a name, we just pretty much call it what it is (i.e. gun, sword, head, etc.).

As for where we draw the line, well it's safe to say that if it's a KO (copy of an existing product) we do not add them. They have to be "original" products from said company. It's pretty safe to say that if it's sold at BBTS we can add it, since AFAIK they have a no KO rule.

Hope that answers your question Hellscream333, if not I'll let Engledogg or Shmax add their 2 cents.



2 cents incoming...haha.
Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


See, it's the I-gear crap (seekers, Bee01, Faith Leader) that makes me ask. Sure, they have a few remolded parts but otherwise they're flat out KO's and yet they're sold at BBTS and the like. And really, I-gear is the only "company" that makes me question the line and limits of KO/Original product.
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Are all KO's only off-limits now, while we're still primarily a Transformers site, or are we going to relax the rules a bit once we do the toyline expansion (which is coming up rapidly)?


Say "no" to knockoffs.

That is all.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


I just hope he doesn't ban goof-offs...


Yeah, I'm generally against the whole 'KO' thing. Besides that, it's hard enough actually keeping track of official product let alone every single obscure and crazy half realized KO that comes in under the radar.

As an example, there's some really weird crap out there.

And if goof-offs were banned the site wouldn't run L O L
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Those transforming letters look pretty cool. How do we classify those? 3rd party? Knock-off? Unrelated Transforming Weirdness?


Unrelated Transforming Weirdness...if they're not KOs of Unrelated Transforming Weirdness, themselves.

Dumba$$ that used to buy everything...not so much anymore.


Hey folks, I need a little info. 3rd party companies have been including "secret weapons" in some of their products. Now I'm not clear if these are blind random pack ins or not. I know Renderform does some of these and I have a clear blue rifle I got with my BTS G1 Prime upgrade set. I'm not sure how to handle these when it comes to our records. Do we just include them as a part and let the users check off whether they have it or not or do we not mention it at all?
<a href="http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=13" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=13</a>


Hey folks, I need a little info. 3rd party companies have been including "secret weapons" in some of their products. Now I'm not clear if these are blind random pack ins or not. I know Renderform does some of these and I have a clear blue rifle I got with my BTS G1 Prime upgrade set. I'm not sure how to handle these when it comes to our records. Do we just include them as a part and let the users check off whether they have it or not or do we not mention it at all?

Blind-packs/Optional parts are something we still haven't really solved, so I dunno. It's up to Engledogg, but my instinct is to say that you should probably add them as long as you're thinking about them and taking photos, and when we finally get around to properly supporting them in code, we'll already have the records.


Blind-packs/Optional parts are something we still haven't really solved, so I dunno. It's up to Engledogg, but my instinct is to say that you should probably add them as long as you're thinking about them and taking photos, and when we finally get around to properly supporting them in code, we'll already have the records.

What am I, chopped liver? J/k :p

Hey folks, I need a little info. 3rd party companies have been including "secret weapons" in some of their products. Now I'm not clear if these are blind random pack ins or not. I know Renderform does some of these and I have a clear blue rifle I got with my BTS G1 Prime upgrade set. I'm not sure how to handle these when it comes to our records. Do we just include them as a part and let the users check off whether they have it or not or do we not mention it at all?

As shmax said, I myself add them when/if I know a set brings one. Until shmax adds a new feature/code to support those type of records/packages.



Cool, will do.


This is a bit of an oddity. When you order this product what you get is 1 large box and 1 small box. The small box holds only the backpack accessory and is exactly the same as the singular release. The large box contains 4 smaller boxes (each just like their individual release) with each figure inside. So what we have here are 6 different boxes that need to be attached to one package. The question is this - do we count all of the smaller boxes as "parts"? Do we ignore their existence? And when shooting the package photo should I shoot the large and small box as one or do them separately? I CAN HAZ HALP?!
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<a href="http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=13" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=13</a>

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