Page redirectors needed

Started by Tripredacus, January 30, 2012, 01:08:07 PM

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You probably should write in an Apache rule to redirect all traffic attempting to go to to The reason for this is that my bookmark to the old forum still exists as a path but there is an access denied message. Any other attempts to get to the site, I get a 404. For example, the first search result on Google for "shmax forum" goes to a 404 because it still has the old URLs as results.


yes... I stumbled upon the new forum after a few days getting error messages from my bookmartk.
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


Ah, that's a good idea--I didn't even think that people might have the forums bookmarked. I'll do it tonight, thanks, guys...


Alright, I've put in a rewrite rule, so that the old /Forums links should still work. Can one of you bookmark'ers please verify? Thanks much, guys.


I deleted the old one... sorry
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


There is an error in the redirector, which I've IMed to Shmax. A // shows up, and still tries to go to the old viewforum.php handler which probably doesn't exist in SMF. It looks to be that SMF uses an index.php handler, so 404s still may show up. To do your own testing, type this into google to get some results:

Code Select
"shmax" forum

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