Update 08/17/2012

Started by shmax, August 17, 2012, 11:20:18 PM

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- new, cleaner look when browsing skus. This includes a new "brief" view (which is now the default), and a "details" view (which is similar to the old "summary" view). The old "details" view is gone, as is the "gallery" view
- new functionality for the nav menu, including a "marker" that shows the currently selected node and the addition of a root node
- restyled all browse pages such that the nav menu is integrated into the main area (instead of being in its own "portlet")

Whaddya think?


August 18, 2012, 07:43:34 AM Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 07:58:26 AM by HighPrime
Looks great! Site has been looking better and better and load times continue to be speedy.

One thing I've never cared for is the (m) tag for modify after the parts.  Clutters things up.  I understand it's useability, but I like the cleaner look without it.  It's not a big deal to click one extra time to modify within the part.  90% of the time I'm already in the part record as it is, so I never think to use or have a need to click on the (m).  Finally, how often do you need to modify a part?  In general it's 'add it' and 'forget it.'

This has been gone for a while, but I miss the photo contributor information that would pop-up when mousing over a thumbnail of the part.

There's a few issues that have cropped up now:

-Sort by "date bought newest" isn't working.
-Link to view photo submissions under a profile is no longer present.
-Photo descriptions are blank.

Posting in the bug section.

Keep up the good work!
<a href="http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=1206" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=1206</a>


Looks great! Site has been looking better and better and load times continue to be speedy.

One thing I've never cared for is the (m) tag for modify after the parts.  Clutters things up.  I understand it's useability, but I like the cleaner look without it.  It's not a big deal to click one extra time to modify within the part.  90% of the time I'm already in the part record as it is, so I never think to use or have a need to click on the (m).  Finally, how often do you need to modify a part?  In general it's 'add it' and 'forget it.'

This has been gone for a while, but I miss the photo contributor information that would pop-up when mousing over a thumbnail of the part.

There's a few issues that have cropped up now:

-Sort by "date bought newest" isn't working.
-Link to view photo submissions under a profile is no longer present.
-Photo descriptions are blank.

Posting in the bug section.

Keep up the good work!

All fixed! Thanks, HP.


August 19, 2012, 08:07:32 AM Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 08:16:56 AM by SoS
One thing I've never cared for is the (m) tag for modify after the parts.  Clutters things up.  I understand it's useability, but I like the cleaner look without it.  It's not a big deal to click one extra time to modify within the part.  90% of the time I'm already in the part record as it is, so I never think to use or have a need to click on the (m).  Finally, how often do you need to modify a part?  In general it's 'add it' and 'forget it.'

As a mod, I definitely wouldn't want the (m) removed, I use that all the time. When working on 10-15 records at the same time, I don't want to be going to the actual page that require making extra clicks. If there's a way for it to be hidden for normal members, sure go ahead and "remove it" on their view. I'm sure Mike would agree with me, that (m) is invaluable for us.

Shmax, one request I have with the new pages, at least with the "details view", can the line separating the records be made bigger or darker? That line separation is barely noticeable on both my monitors; both the monitors' (the LED and the LCD) brightness settings are low. I'm not sure if this is possible, but can we have an "excel table type" color separation that makes every other record background slightly darker than the other?


EDIT: Added an image to sort of illustrate what I mean.


I've darkened the separating line a bit. I don't know if the odd/even shading will work well with this kind of layout, but I can experiment with some other options if the darkened line isn't enough.

I've kept the (m) intact, but only for moderators (who tend to do most of the modifying). I think I may have to come up with some other scheme anyway, though, as it currently can get cut off for long names.



As a mod, I definitely wouldn't want the (m) removed, I use that all the time. When working on 10-15 records at the same time, I don't want to be going to the actual page that require making extra clicks. If there's a way for it to be hidden for normal members, sure go ahead and "remove it" on their view. I'm sure Mike would agree with me, that (m) is invaluable for us.

Got your point.  Would be nice for them to be hidden for us gerbils.  I'm not sure if Shmax' reply above was stating that they were hidden.  If it was, I still see the (m).
<a href="http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=1206" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=1206</a>


Got your point.  Would be nice for them to be hidden for us gerbils.  I'm not sure if Shmax' reply above was stating that they were hidden.  If it was, I still see the (m).

Where exactly do you see them? I logged in with a non-mod account and I didn't see anything...


<a href="http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=853" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.shmax.com/img/sigs/signature.swf?user_id=853</a>

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