Trying to get more users on

Started by Antron007, November 04, 2012, 09:34:09 AM

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Hey all. I really love this site so in an attempt to generate more interest here so i posted this in the Share Your Collection forum over at

"Hey everybody, I recently discovered this website.

I just wonder why everyone isn't using it? I see we have 50000+ members here but not even 3000 there. Its an amazing site and I think any tf collector will fall in love with it the way I have.

Now I'm not trying to steal's thunder and by no means could replace but its a great site for managing your collection. They have a forum but it doesn't compare to this one. is also not news driven like this site but an awesome collection tool.

it also offers a wish list. I found it very helpful especially after buying a few tf's i already had because i wasn't sure if I'd bought them yet. Very frustrating. Those found good homes via birthday presents. (all of my gf's nephews are tf crazy so they are not going unappreciated.) Its been nice to be at the store and stumble across an older figure that I'm not clear on weather i have already to just go to on my phone and find out if i have it or need it or want it.

Sure I want them all but primarily I focus my collecting on molds then character so there are some tfs i technically don't want. ( lists shared molds and shared name when you click on the actual figure in the products contents, is very detailed once you start exploring it)

I am not affiliated with in any way and am just trying to get more people involved there from a collector and fan stand point. I think everyone should at least give it a glance. I could rave about it forever so quit reading my possibly never ending rant and go over to and take control of your collection.

that's, conveniently located at the top of your browser, in the address bar."

I hope this will get us some more users/participants here.


nice post. Can you send us a link so we can contribute to the thread?

If it is ok with SHMAX, we can sort of use this thread as a jumping board for ideas to grow the user-base:

1)EASY -  Social Networking - I think being active on facebook/twitter encourages an active community which then helps users spread the word (via retweets or shares on facebook).

2)MEDIUM -  Partnering - We need to partner with some of the big sites themselves. Not necessarily become an advertiser, but partner with them such that we give them something in return. For instance, CRAVE partnered heavily with Seibertron and they became well known.

3)HARD - Implementing a selling feature. By allowing people to quickly toggle their item in their collection to sell, and using the wish list feature, people will be interested in adding their collection and updating their wishlist because it will mean a better buying/selling experience for them. Again, CRAVE did something similar. This would mean a lot of coding/rewriting (especially since most people want a figure and not necessarily which package variant).

I know SHMAX puts in a lot of effort and love into this website and by no means am I trying to say he isn't trying hard enough. The above list is just what I believe would get more people to use the website. I completely understand if some or all of those items are currently too much for the time being.

Anybody have any other ideas?
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


I love that you guys are excited about poor 'ol neglected, but I don't think we're quite ready to open the flood gates, yet. Before we start trying to round up new members, there are a number of goals I think we need to meet first:

1. Finish expanding the site (to other toylines, such as Star Wars, G.I. Joe, etc)
2. Finish the new profile page (mostly done)
3. Finish the appraisal system such that user 'price paid' data is used to supplement or replace the auction data (mostly done)
4. Improve the revenue per active user. We want to hit around $.05/DAU (we're currently closer to $.015). This will mean getting sponsors/ads, or building a store (my preference) and taking a cut of transactions. I wish I didn't have to think about money, but if we're going to expand we're going to need quite a bit more of it (I can't support the site out of pocket forever, nor will one server be enough forever).

I figure that's all about a year's work, give or take. Think you can keep up the enthusiasm for that long?


nope... I give you until next Monday... lol
<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>


Well as long as they're selling Transformers, I'm interested. is sort a necessity for me now that I've found it. Granted with the exception of the TF Animated line I didn't really care for I'll always be addicted to Transformers. It is like an addiction. ;-)

I sort of quit playing/collecting Magic the Gathering cards a few months ago because
(1 Cool Transformer related stuff started re-demanded my money.

(2 Lots of concerts. Smashing Pumpkins, Muse, Anberlyn, Misfits. Coheed and Cambria announced dates today plus what ever else may come up. If Nine Inch Nails announces a tour, i'm going.

(3 Struggles with managing the collection. A few apps out there come close but there's not a 1 all be all site or app that is what I feel, complete. And at over 3000 cards it started to get impossible for me. 

Anyway, I got you back Max. If I can quit buying TF's, Concert Tickets and Video Games, I'll try and toss a few bones your way. I'd pay for this service if I had to. Lord knows I've bought dumber apps.


I'd pay for this service if I had to. Lord knows I've bought dumber apps.

Heh, that's not quite what I meant. Just try to use the store once it appears (or use the watchlist and eBay links to buy stuff in the meantime) and we should be fine.


I came up with an idea over the weekend, then promptly forgot it. Then I remembered it. Of course this might be a great idea, so much so I won't post it publicly.  :-X


I'd pay for this service if I had to. Lord knows I've bought dumber apps.

Heh, that's not quite what I meant. Just try to use the store once it appears (or use the watchlist and eBay links to buy stuff in the meantime) and we should be fine.

Yeah, I know, I'm just sayin'. :-) Do you get a cut if we buy something through one of your ebay links? Cause I was planning on doing some ebaying this weekend. I've never used my account to buy or sell anything so I wanted to snag some much desired pieces this weekend. i think its Reveal the sheild? legends beachcomber and brawn. Gereratations thrust. I have the other 5 og6 seekers and they're just standing there looking at me like "Um, where's Thrust douchebag?" lol

anyway If you'll get a piece I'll be sure to use your links.


I'd pay for this service if I had to. Lord knows I've bought dumber apps.

Heh, that's not quite what I meant. Just try to use the store once it appears (or use the watchlist and eBay links to buy stuff in the meantime) and we should be fine.

Do you get a cut if we buy something through one of your ebay links?

More of a slight irritation than a cut, but yes.

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