We could do something doofy like make some further use of the page where all those articles about the increases in package listings are sitting. Review stuff like this, link to the shmax.com listings of the figure/s that use/s it, and just make sure to drive home the point that 'you're not gonna find a listing for this item anywhere on the main site, as this is unlicensed and unofficial'.
Just a thought. I wouldn't be much good for such reviews, btw, as I have enough of a time keeping up with official merch to bother with too much of the 'un'. I bought the JustIToys MP-1 Trailer, and have all of Unicron.com's items, but that's really it. I think interested users could submit articles they themselves write for such items (and feh, no reason to limit it to unofficial, after all). They probably oughta be proofread and edited before posting (which IS something I could handle, btw),--'cus content and clarity are important, dammit!!--and...probably shouldn't drown that page. 'Article of the Week', 'Article of the Whenever-the-hell-we-feel-like-it', whatever. Considering how much of the site is already user-submitted conten, it seems like a decent enough idea t'me.