Heh, I was wondering when we'd get around to the worse, and as a matter of fact I'm ready for ya. I agree with ya on Metrosux, but here are some other klunk-bots:
Snarl (Are they kidding? He's got a head for one arm, and an ass and two legs for the other. I don't even wanna know where he holds his weapon...
Darth Vader Great, he's a barrel with a head. I mean I guess I could see it if he at least doubled as a piggy-bank.
Longarm This is what happens when ya leave the CAD software running at night when the cleaning crew is around.
Zapmaster He's got flippers! Want a fish, Zapmaster? Of course you do!
Anti-Blaze Are they even trying?
It's probably not fair to pick on them poor little mini-cons, but hey, what good are easy targets if you're not gonna shoot at 'em?