Photo of the Day: August 25th, 2009

Started by shmax, August 25, 2009, 02:25:54 AM

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August 25, 2009, 02:25:54 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by Guest
[wrap=left:2ot1ua2r][thumb small= large= group=potd:2ot1ua2r]Try pod. Shoot good.[/thumb:2ot1ua2r][/wrap:2ot1ua2r]Folks, today I continue my campaign of boring you all to tears with contest-related tips and information (the September Photo Contest starts in one week). Today I want to talk to you about the tripod. The short version is that you should get one. Right now. Sure, I know, you don't need a tripod. You have nerves of steel and could thread a needle while roller-skating through a car wash. But trust me, these little suckers really, really help (particularly when used with your camera's self-timer function). You can get one off of for about $10. Hellscream333 and I both use the Targus Digital Grypton Tripod TG-GP3010, but I would think any similar model would do. I recommend getting the smallest one possible, as you'll generally want to shoot your toys from down low, and if you need to get higher you can always stand it on a book, or something (sawing the legs off your toys is not recommended).

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